Trump in Translation

Nathan Johnson
3 min readFeb 12, 2017


I just recently returned to the United States for a few weeks after a year of helping to establish the Guangzhou, China based international trade consulting company Atlasell. It has been an incredible year for me personally; full of adventure, growth, and self-discovery. And as I’m sure many will agree, 2016 has been fairly incredible politically as well, in that credibility has been decidedly absent on most fronts.

My flight home happened to be on the day of the inauguration and so naturally the hottest topic with just about everyone I talked to was our illustrious new president, and especially his stance toward China. I was asked numerous times what the Chinese think about him, were saying about him in the news etc. and so I decided to start this blog. I plan on killing a whole flock of birds with one stone here*, practicing my Chinese and translation skills, providing other students of Chinese with digestible practice material, showing my friends, family, and possibly others what the Chinese are saying about President Trump, reading more Chinese news myself, and establishing a regular writing practice.

As often as time allows, I will translate Chinese news articles about Trump and/or Sino-American relations from the Xinhua News Agency, and the People’s Daily, the official news agency of the PRC, and the largest newspaper group, respectively. I’ve chosen these sources, and chosen to translate them instead of just posting links to the english versions of the sites for the following reasons; I want to show what the Chinese government is saying about Trump, as opposed to what private news organizations are saying, and I want to show what the Chinese government is saying about Trump to the Chinese people.

I will provide a link to the article in Chinese in the title, and a paragraph by paragraph translation of the text. So without further ado, here is installment number one in the series, your feedback is appreciated:

Foreign Minister Wang Yi discusses Sino-American relations

人民网2月8日电 据外交部网站消息,当地时间7日,外交部长王毅在堪培拉与澳大利亚外长毕晓普举行第四轮中澳外交与战略对话后共同会见记者。澳大利亚记者就美方有关人士对华强硬表态询问对中美关系产生的影响。

People’s Daily February 8th,

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, local time February 7th, Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Australian Foreign Minister Bishop held the fourth round of Sino-Australian diplomatic and strategic dialogue in Canberra after meeting with reporters. Australian journalists asked about the impact America’s hard-line stance toward China would have on Sino-American relations.


Wang Yi said that diplomatic relations between China and the United States have been established for nearly 40 years. During this period, there have been many people in the United States who have taken a hard-line stance against China, but ultimately Sino-US relations have overcome these difficulties and continued to move forward.


Currently, Chinese and American interests are inseparable, forming a mutually dependent relationship. Last year, bilateral trade between China and the United States exceeded 500 billion US dollars. Almost every state in the United States has business dealings with China. Every university has exchanges and cooperation with China.


Last year, over 4 million people travelled between the two countries. This is the status quo of Sino-US relations; any wise politician will realize that a Sino-US conflict will be a lose-lose situation which neither side can afford.


Wang Yi said that “in regards to US policy toward China, we are more concerned with the policies that will be officially stated after the establishment of the new administration. I would like to tell you that after President Trump was elected President, President Xi Jinping had an important call with him, and the tone of that call was very positive.”


President Xi stressed that Sino-US relations could become even better. Trump expressed full agreement and said that the US-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world.


Wang Yi said, the new American leadership may need to undergo a process of understanding and familiarizing themselves with China. I believe that in time, as long as both sides abide by the commitments made so far and safeguard the political basis of relations between the two countries, Sino-US relations can relatively quickly get past the “breaking-in” period, and move on to a path of more positive development.


This is the shared hope of the people of both countries and fully conforms to the shared and long-term interests of China and the United States.

*Figuratively speaking of course, I don’t condone slaughtering birds with rocks.

