Short Stories Of Answered Prayer

Nathan LaDuke
4 min readDec 3, 2021

Short stories from my prayer journal to remind us of God’s faithfulness.

Inspired from stories of George Müller and Brother Andrew

One of the most influential books I’ve ever read was Brother Andrew: God’s Smuggler. It tells the true story of a man deeply convicted to bring Bible’s into countries where it was either extremely difficult to obtain one, or illegal to have it. You can read one of his stories here. The incredible stories of faith that I read made me question everything about my Christian life- in a good way. I realized that this is what God could do with someone if they simply asked. I had never asked God to test my faith or to build up my trust in Him by putting me in situations where I needed to trust Him.

Upon reading that book I decided that I wanted to start a prayer journal to see if prayer and faith actually worked like this in real-life situations. While my life has been nowhere near as exciting as Brother Andrew’s or George Müller’s (another role model and giant of faith), I can say since starting this journal I’ve seen God do amazing things.

I recently filled up my journal and wanted to start sharing some of the most encouraging answers to prayer that I’ve had so far.

December 16th, 2013

“I need about $600 before school starts so that I can register my car, pay my down payment, and pay for gas. Need to pray…



Nathan LaDuke

Extroverted American living in Europe confused about why all the cashiers here look at me funny when I ask how their day was. Faith. Life. People. Jesus.