8 Tips To Minimize The Impact of Motorcycle Vibration

Nathan Partridge
2 min readSep 5, 2015


How To Reduce Vibration.

While driving a motorcycle, there can be high vibrations around the hands that can be possible and may result in injuries in lower grip. This can also make your hands sting as it increases itching and numbness too. Following a re a few tricks that can help reduce the motorcycle vibration and the impact it can have on hands.

1. Invest in Great Gloves

Investing in gloves can be worthy, while the best ones may help reduce the likelihood of having the carpal tunnel syndrome. It affects the nerves that connect hands and forearms, while increasing pressure. So the best thing to do is to buy better gloves, which provide padding and comfort.

2. Using Cruise Control

Cruise control has been a luxury for some bikers over the years. Not only it gives style and speed, it aids in controlling speeds too. Using cruise control can help reduce the impact of vibration on the hands, while also reducing the pressure on hands.

3. Stretching hands

Stretching hands can also aid in having a comfortable riding experience. Stretching doesn’t mean you keep on pulling your hands quite often. It is meant to reduce pressure eon your hands constant vibrations can be minimized by taking a hand off while riding.

4. Lowering the Handle Bars

Decreasing the spreads and lowering the handlebars can reduce strain on your arms and can help reduce pressure and vibrations too. It makes managing vibrations easy over longer distances.

5. Loosen of Grip

A lot of riders hold the handles tightly, which increases the effect of vibration on their hands and arms. loosening the grip at times can aid in feeling lower vibrations.

6. Make Adjustments

Adjusting brakes and clutch levels can also aid in taking care of the vibrations that may be caused by extensive and tighter controls. It helps take off some weight, which in turn can balance the vibration from moving parts on a bike, also check helmet (http://elitehelmets.com/)is adjusted to maximum comfort level.

7. Checking Seats

You might feel more vibrations if the seat is higher or tightly gripped than usual. Making adjustment to seat and feet levels can help control vibrations from the tight seat grip.

8. Utilizing Grip Covers

Using grip covers can reduce vibration to a greater extent. If gel gloves are used that have extra padding, a rider can minimize the effect of vibration from the handle grips.

While riding, some easy tricks can help in making the overall riding experience much easier to maintain, with the ability to sustain high and low levels of vibrations, which may affect the nerves that control our hands and elbow movements.

R6 Has plenty of vibration, but one of the most beautiful bikes out there.



Nathan Partridge

I love anything to do with motorcycles! I am a big fan of biking.