Photo by Kévin et Laurianne Langlais

In Vino Veritas and Virality: Harnessing the Power of Digital Media in the Wine Industry

Nate Westfall


I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a massive Formula 1 fan. Watching these titans of automotive prowess compete on a world stage, led by a small but distinctive group of fearless gladiators in race suits, checks all the boxes of my favorite things in life. It’s a perfect marriage of science fiction levels of technology, globetrotting adventure and heart-stopping action each and every race weekend, and I can’t get enough. During the most recent race, with the two Red Bulls quickly establishing their dominance and turning this event into somewhat of a foregone conclusion, my internal cogs began to turn on how the wine industry could potentially use the growing popularity of this sport as a springboard to raise its own profile.

In the ever-evolving world of business, adaptability is key. As the wine industry continues to navigate the intricacies of the digital age, traditional models of marketing are being reevaluated and reinvented. An agile marketing strategy, one that allows for rapid reaction and diversified outputs, is becoming increasingly necessary to remain relevant and competitive. This is especially true when it comes to leveraging digital channels, such as social media, to seize a moment of cultural zeitgeist and propel your business into the spotlight.

Let’s consider a recent resurgence in the wine world: the rise of Cava as a high-quality yet affordable sparkling wine. This comes at a time when the market is saturated with unapproachable price tags and consumers are craving accessible yet sophisticated options. This resurgence coincides with a surge in popularity for Formula 1 in the United States, as well as the reemergence of Fernando Alonso as a leading force in the sport. Simultaneously, we’re seeing a renewed obsession with Taylor Swift, brought on by her recent ‘Eras’ tour.

This confluence of cultural events presents a unique opportunity. Unsubstantiated rumors have begun to circulate that Swift and Alonso have secretly started a relationship. From the perspective of a Cava producer or retailer, this is a golden opportunity. A simple post, tagging Taylor Swift and offering to provide real Spanish Cava to enhance a potential date with Fernando, can catch the wave of this cultural zeitgeist and put the spotlight on your brand. The post might read, “Hey @taylorswift13, a little Spanish Cava would help El Plan to impress Fernando 😉”

This approach requires a digital marketing strategy that is built to capitalize on a well thought out brand identity, and accentuated by the public persona that identity embodies in the digital space. Here are six steps that can guide you in establishing the base of your agile marketing strategy:

1. Develop a Strong Brand Identity: Your brand is your story. It embodies your values, your vision, and your unique selling proposition. Create a persona for your brand that resonates with your target audience and remains consistent across all communication channels.

2. Establish a Digital Presence: Create digital outlets such as social media profiles, a blog, or a website to share your brand with the world. These platforms allow you to engage with consumers, share your brand story, and refine your brand persona.

3. Define Your Spheres of Influence: Determine the niches you want to participate in and follow the content creators and businesses within those spheres. These niches can be direct, closely related to wine or indirect, allowing you to reach new audiences.

4. Create Content: Begin creating content within your niche, always remembering to infuse your brand persona into everything you share. As you grow more comfortable, expand into less familiar territories.

5. Engage with Your Audience: Interact with your audience by responding to comments, answering questions, and joining conversations. This humanizes your brand and fosters a sense of community.

6. Seize the Moment: When a significant cultural event presents an opportunity for your brand to enter a larger conversation, seize it. As long as you remain respectful and considerate, the worst-case scenario is low engagement on a post, but the potential upside is significant.

The wine industry has a rich history and a storied tradition, and we respect and honor that. However, the world is changing, and with it, the ways in which we do business. Embracing new technologies and marketing strategies doesn’t mean abandoning the hard work that’s been done to build wine into what it is today. Rather, it’s about evolving and adapting to ensure the industry’s continued growth and success.

In the end, the goal is to harness the power of the cultural zeitgeist to elevate your brand and reach new audiences. It’s about being agile, adaptable, and ready to seize the opportunities as they arise. It’s about connecting with your audience in ways that resonate with their interests, their passions, and the cultural moments they are tuned into.

Let’s delve deeper into the mechanics of this strategy. Consider again the scenario of Taylor Swift and Fernando Alonso’s rumored relationship. As our hypothetical Cava producer, you might initially be wondering how this relates to your product or brand. After further research, you’ll find that Alonso hails from Spain and proudly celebrates his nationality at Formula 1 events the world over. The connection might seem tenuous at first, but this is where the power of creative, agile marketing comes into play.

Imagine crafting this clever post, offering your authentic Spanish Cava as the perfect accompaniment to Taylor and Fernando’s date night. With this move, you’re not just promoting your product, but you’re also aligning your brand with a moment of cultural zeitgeist. It’s an audacious move, one that might seem out of place in a traditional marketing playbook, but in the world of digital media, it’s exactly these kinds of bold, playful, and timely interventions that can pay off.

The key here is being attuned to cultural events, trends, and conversations, and being ready to respond swiftly and creatively. The digital age has turned marketing into a dynamic, interactive process. It’s no longer enough to simply push out messages about your product. Today, successful marketing involves engaging with your audience, participating in conversations, and becoming part of the cultural fabric.

But how do you rise above the base you’ve built? How do you go from being a traditional winery with a conventional marketing approach to truly embodying the role of an agile player in the digital marketing space? The answer lies in a combination of brand development, digital engagement, and continuous learning.

When developing your brand, it’s important to remember that a strong brand is more than just a logo or a tagline. It’s a persona, a voice, a set of values, and a narrative that sets you apart from your competitors. Your brand should reflect not only who you are as a business, but also who your customers are and what they care about. This will help guide your marketing efforts and make your interventions in cultural conversations feel authentic and resonant.

Next, you need to establish a strong digital presence. Social media is an excellent platform for this, but it’s not the only one. Blogs, websites, email newsletters, and other digital channels can all be effective tools for reaching your audience, sharing your brand story, and engaging in conversations.

Finally, always be learning. The digital landscape is constantly evolving, with new platforms, trends, and strategies emerging all the time. Stay up to date with the latest developments, be open to trying new things, and don’t be afraid to take risks. Remember, in the digital world, even a failed experiment can provide valuable insights and learning opportunities.

As we all move forward in this business, our combined world of wine is steeped in tradition, but that doesn’t mean it can’t also be innovative, dynamic, and responsive to the cultural zeitgeist. By developing an agile marketing strategy, you can not only stay relevant in the digital age, but also create meaningful connections with your audience and elevate your brand in ways you never thought possible. It’s time to embrace the new, without forgetting the old. After all, the future of wine is not just about the grapes, it’s about the people who drink it, and the moments they choose to celebrate with a glass in hand.



Nate Westfall

Helping the wine industry adapt to the ever-evolving technological landscape by harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics.