Bloody Tower of London


Tower of London.

Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror in the 1070.

This tower is best known for its bloody history as a prison and execution site. For example Henry VIII famously ordered the execution of two of his wives: Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard here. Also during the Wars of the Roses, Henry VI was murdered here in 1471 and, later, the children of his great rival Edward IV vanished within its walls in 1483 and their remains were found here in 1674. Unsurprisingly, there are some ghost stories of the Tower’s victims.

The Tower has been a visitor attraction since the 18th century, but the number of tourists increased dramatically in the 1800s and the visitors are always fascinated by the stories.

Anne Boleyn is said to stalk the site of her execution with another two ghosts. Also some people tell a chilling tale of a huge bear who occasionally appears to frighten visitors.

I belive this story is real, but about the huge bear I have some doubts… what do you think?

Here there is a video that shows some of the stories I mentioned before. I recommend you to watch it because the girl tells the stories in a interesting way.

