Tomorrow Is Not Promised

2 min readDec 24, 2015

One day while soul searching, it came to me. It’s true -nobody gets out alive. The only thing that we get out of this thing called Life, is death. A for sure thing.

I know it’s the holidays and it’s supposed to be happy times, but when you think about these scary things, it’s just not so jolly. The only reason why I decided to sit here and share this instead of paying attention to the show I’m currently binge watching, is because people all over the world need to realize this.

They need to take time to stop and smell the flowers. Take time to enjoy their family and the people around them, let them know how much you love them, because tomorrow is never promised.

The holiday times are such a hassle anymore, people have no manners and are so rude to others. Always in a hurry hurry hurry. Who cares if the light is red?? I need to make it to McDonald’s a whole 3 minutes faster!! Who cares if the old man I honked at has Alzheimer’s?? He was in my way and I need to get home to see the game!! It’s like nobody has any consideration anymore, and it’s just sad.

Tomorrow is never promised. Tomorrow your mom could be gone, your dad, your brother, your sister, your grandma, your grandpa, your husband, your wife, your baby…they could all be gone. Tomorrow, YOU could be gone. Have you lived? Have you loved? Have you made the world a better place? Or at least tried?

