ASP.NET Core Identity 3.0 : Modifying the Identity Database

Joe Colon
8 min readJun 3, 2016

UPDATE: A new follow tutorial with even more advanced features here:


I noticed that if you search in google how to use ASP.NET Core Identity 3.0 you find a lot of articles for Asp Net Identity 2.0 instead of what you really wanted. So I decided to give a nice introduction to the technology. This should be an easy read for most people!

All aboard!


Lets get it started! Open up Visual Studio 2015 Community and go to File New Project (CTRL-SHIFT-N). Now I am naming this project CoolWaves.

CoolWaves project

I also clicked on the Change Authentication button and subsequently selected Individual Accounts option. Then I pressed the OK magic button.

Simple Web Application Project Template

Sanity check! Now compile the project to make sure things are in order. If you cannot compile a project template then stop and…

