The Hot Potato

3 min readOct 23, 2018

“Pass it along, it is a hot potato. Don’t keep it on your lap”

Cartoonist Aaron Bacall 1939–2015

The simplest thing can be made complex from all the red tapes & bureaucracy.

One way or another, I believe everyone wants to make an impact. I want to make an impact. To truly solve problems & make a difference. Alas, life has taken me to mediocre daily grind. For many of us, to pay bills, we settle & work in an organisation & serve our bosses. We all know the drill, to do your scope within the specified guideline. While most jobs exciting at first, with the learning curve and all that, overtime, we all would settle into the daily routine.

Every now and then though, there would be that occasional challenge that you know is within your capability to solve.

It happened to me recently. When it happened, It was a breath of fresh air, a kick, an adrenaline rush.

I get fired up when facing complexities. I gathered data, validated input, tested hypothesis, drawing conclusions and bringing it across stakeholders on the process gap that was discovered, along with proposed solution.

Working in MNC, we all know that red tape is unavoidable. It should have been simple, right? To holistically look at the issue, data, solution & to produce position weighing the pros and cons for the next step.




Dreamer. Live in la la land. In my past life I dreamed of finding cure for diseases. Now I am just another entrepreneur-wannabe. I write whatever on my mind.