X-ray Findings in DRUJ Injury for Non-orthopedist
This patient complained about wrist pain after falling down on the floor. Tenderness was located at dorsal aspect of DRUJ. Limited supination of forearm or painful forearm rotation is common.
X-ray: Lt.wrist,
Initial film - (AP view) widening of distal radioulnar joint, (lateral view) dorsal subluxation of the ulnar head
Postreduction film - (AP view) restored width of distal radioulnar joint, (lateral view) reduced ulnar head
Reduction technique: Supinate forearm passively under pain control, immobilize in full supination for 4 - 6 weeks.
*Warning sign: irreducible DRUJ implies soft tissue entrapment in DRUJ, externsor carpi ulnaris tendon is the most common. Consult orthopedist as soon as possible.