European Polecat Vs Domestic Ferret: Which One Is Best As a Pet

Isaac Ince
3 min readJan 18, 2018


There are many people available who are specifically interested in having a not-so-common pet in their houses. So, they asked us about the European polecat and domestic ferret. As the name suggests, domestic ferret could be ‘domestic’ in the real sense. But what about the European polecat? Let’s find out the fundamental difference between the polecat vs ferret in this article.

Polecat Vs Ferret
Because of their incredible similarities and ancestry, it is hard to tell who is a ferret or a polecat! When anyone tries to reach them in the wild areas, then it becomes difficult to differentiate them. But, if you get a chance to scrutinize them, you may know the fact just by their coat colors, shape and the size of their skull.

A ferret can be called as a domesticated polecat. Polecats have larger heads than the domestic ferret, and this difference can be applied to both — males and females of the two breeds. There is a truth accepted by all that the ferrets have more coat color variations when compare to polecats, but both have darker and shorter coats during the summer.

Ferrets have color variations which can be changed from creamy white to the darkest brown. But, because of erythrism — a substance which occurs in the European polecats time to time — they may have reddish color sometimes.

A Quick Guide to the Differences
European Polecats tend to be bigger than the domestic ferrets. Ferrets have a delicate and weak bone structure than polecats, which can be easily broken.
2. Polecats have dark colors, and ferrets tend to have the lighter shades.
3. Domestic ferrets have typically tilted neck, where the polecats have a round face and much more pronounced mask.
4. Ferret’s ears are lighter from the back side. On the other hand, the polecat’s back side of the ears possesses darker shades.
5. As we have seen, the looks of both the animals — European polecats or the domestic ferret are incredibly similar. But, the characters are different. Polecats always prefer to live anti-social lives. They only meet the other polecats when they want to mate.
6. Domestic ferrets are comfortable with humans as well as the other ferrets. They are more social than the polecats.
7. Domestic ferret has weaker jaws if compared to the European polecat.
Polecats are more muscular than the domestic ferrets.
8. European polecat comes with the unpleasant smell which is produced by its secretion. One can easily distinguish both the animals because of its smell.
9.If you see a long body and small ears, it could be a ferret and not a polecat. The European polecat has a long and lean body with not so little ears.

Genetically, ferrets and polecats are similar and can be found in many areas of United Kingdom. If the owner of domestic ferret lose him or set him free, then he can be found in jungles or the broad areas. European polecat is known as the ferret’s ancestor, but they prefer to live solitary lives. The polecat and ferret both can interbreed producing fertile young.

So, if you want to have a pet and can’t decide one from these two, I suggest you have the domestic ferret and not the European polecat because of not so gregarious nature and quite unpleasant smell. It is also easy to keep the ferrets captive, and there are too many ferret cages are available in the market according to their size and fulfilling each need to make them feel comfortable.

I hope this article is helpful to you and resolving all your confusions regarding European polecat and the domestic ferret. Stay tuned for some other interesting ferret facts and useful information.

