How Cod Liver Oil Can Improve Your Health

Natural Cave
1 min readFeb 2, 2017


If you look around the natural health community you are likely to see cod liver oil being recommended left and right. But what’s the big deal about it? Cod liver oil is an excellent supplement because it’s derived from real food (cod livers to be exact) and has tons of things our bodies need to be at optimal health.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is such an important vitamin. It works more like a hormone and helps regulate the immune system and neuromuscular system. It’s also important in absorbing other minerals like calcium and magnesium. But we are often deficient in vitamin D because we don’t spend much time outside, especially where it’s cold. Those of us who live in northern climates or who have darker skin get even less vitamin D from the sun. Ideally we would produce our own vitamin D from the sun but if we can’t do that, a natural source of vitamin D is needed. Cod liver oil is a great source of vitamin D and also has a good balance of other vitamins and fatty acids that help the body to utilize vitamin D.

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