Benefits of Kundalini meditation and Chakra meditation

Naturality Path
3 min readMar 12, 2018


Kundalini and chakra are the supreme meditation practice which contains the essence of all other meditation techniques, religions, and spiritual paths. Kundalini is the form of energy which is located at the base of the spine and it is a concept of dharma. One of the famous writer Joseph Cambell described kundalini as a figure of the female coiled serpent. Awakening of kundalini is done through deep meditation, pranayama breathing, yoga asana and through the chanting of mantras. It is believed that the energy stored at the base of the spine that is the energy center that refers to chakra. Through the guided meditation one can attain the spiritual experience.

Benefits of Kundalini meditation

Kundalini meditation has health benefits, mental benefits, and sexual benefits. This meditation promotes healthy body and brain. This meditation is for them who want to develop better sensory perceptions. By practicing breathing exercise, one can toxify the body, mind, and soul. The techniques used in Kundalini meditation balances the brain chemistry. Various chemicals and hormones like serotonin, melatonin is released during the meditation which promotes the good mood. It supports to reduce stress and helps in good sleep. Due to improvement in physical health, there is a mental refinement. Th practice supports in heightening the spiritual senses. You will see the world with a greater view and feel deeply connected to nature. It will bring the inner peace and relax your mind and soul. With physical and mental health improvement kundalini practice is also done for sexual benefits. As it is associated with tantric sex, it has the powerful energy to enhance your intimacy level. It improves focus and by releasing the kundalini energy. This practice magnifies the inner senses and heightens the intimate pleasure.

Benefits of chakra meditation
There are seven major chakras which benefits in various ways. You can practice meditation on focusing on one chakra at a time. The sitting position is straight and one has to take the deep slow breath to focus on a chakra. One has to spend 3–5 minutes on each chakra and whole practice take 35 minutes time. 35 minutes of daily meditation will reap you many benefits. This practice will improve the focus, concentration, and memory. You will have better perception and resourcefulness. You will be free from all the stress and depression. All the seven chakras have different benefits like

Chakra Meditation

First chakra- one feels safe and fearless
Second chakra- promotes creativity and sensuousness.
Third Chakra- heightens the inner power.
Fourth Chakra- creates love and connection.
Fifth Chakra- as it is a source of verbal expression, it creates the ability to speak the highest truth.
Sixth Chakra — it opens the third eye and improves the intuition level.
Seventh chakra- enlighten the spiritual connection.

Kundalini awakening happens when the energy and consciousness shifts due to the effect of chakra meditation. Recently mediation has become very popular and many yoga centers are opened across the world to practice it. To achieve the benefits of mediation one need to learn the right technique which can be learned at many yoga centers.

