Whitepaper — Introduction

Nature x Dark Forest Documentation

Nature Dao
20 min readJan 14, 2022

What is Nature DAO?

Nature Dao is a decentralized reserve currency protocol available, forked from Wonderland Time, on the Fantom Opera Network based on the NATR token. Each NATR token is backed by a basket of assets (e.g., DAI, NATR-FTM LP Tokens etc) in Nature, your seeds help grow the treasury, giving it an intrinsic value that it cannot fall below. Nature also incorporates economic and game-theoretic dynamics into the market through staking and minting. Nature Dao is intended to not only grow its holder’s investment seeds into a tree of wealth, but to also help fight climate change and give back to the only home we have. Planet Earth. For every 10 million the treasury gains, 1 million will be placed into a trust for none profits that help the environment or fight climate change. The wallet holding all charitable donation funds will be published to the public for monitoring purposes. We want to be fully transparent. All donations will be announced before funds are withdrawn and donation paperwork will be published to the community once the transaction is complete.

What is the point of Nature DAO?

Our goal is to build a policy-controlled currency system, native on the Fantom network, in which the behavior of the NATR token! In the long term, we believe this system can be used to optimize for stability and consistency so that NATR can function as a global unit-of-account and medium-of-exchange currency. In the short term, we intend to optimize the system for growth and wealth creation.

We intend to achieve price flatness for a representative basket of goods without the use of fiat currency, to allow the cryptocurrency industry to detach once and for all from the traditional finance world! We will also aim to help fight climate change by using Treasury funds to invest in environmental none profits that are changing the way we fight off climate change and gives back to the planet.

Dark Forest NFT Collection

Dark Forest NFT Collection is a collaboration between Dark Forest and Nature DAO. We aim to be the first ecosystem to incorporate a NFT collection into presale and launch of the Nature DAO. Many DAO’s has NFT collections on their roadmap, but only a tiny percentage fulfills this roadmap goal. The Nature x Dark Forest collaboration will be the first to achieve this goal from the first day of the DAO. This way NFT holders will be rewarded from the very start of the project! The NFT collection whitelist and presale will happen at the same time as Nature DAO whitelist and presale. Both projects will launch on the same day. Providing a unique ecosystem will set us apart from every other DAO in the world.

Dark Forest will launch on the Polygon Chain. This allows our investors to take advantage of Polygons low fees. NFTs will be minted on Polygon. Whitelisted investors will get the chance to mint at a lower price than public presale.

The Dark Forest NFT collection is a project composed of 10,000 NFTs crafted by talented and expert designers and developers. We unified the NFT rising and financial service to deliver a remarkable innovative product and service. By merging the financial industry with digital collectibles, we plan to become pioneers for the success of both worlds into one ecosystem.

Dark Forest NFT Utility

Dark Forest represents the cooperation between the mesmerizing deer world and digital ownership. We want to accentuate this concept further by providing a utility for our holders, from which they will benefit right away instead of building a “play-to-earn” or metaverse that might never come to fruition. When buying a Dark Forest NFT, you are not only owning a one of a kind, but also gaining access to exclusive giveaways and benefits inside our financial services ecosystem.

There will be 5 Hidden Predators inside the NFT collection. Our most fortunate holders will be blown away with the amazing rewards they will get by holding one of these predators.

When collaborating with the Dark Forest team, we decided to go with a light vs dark theme. Nature DAO is the light. It represents the beauty of nature and our commitment as a society to maintain and protect that beauty. The Dark Forest is the dark and dangerous side of nature that must be respected. We, as a society, have found ourselves on the outside looking in. We need to be reminded that Mother Nature can be dangerous and demands our respect. From this idea, we have formed a unique and one-of-a-kind ecosystem that will bring awareness to our fight to end climate change and bring humanity into a higher roll as protectors of our planet. Not just the top of the food chain. We want to live with nature and keep the biodiversity of our beautiful home around for generations to come.

NFT holders will get airdropped stablecoins from stablecoin farms that the Treasury invests in!

How do I participate in Nature DAO?

There are two main strategies for market participants: Staking and minting. Stakers, stake their NATR tokens in return for more NATR tokens, while minters provide LP tokens or DAI tokens in exchange for discounted NATR tokens after a fixed vesting period.

How can I benefit from Nature Dao?

The main benefit for stakers comes from supply growth. The protocol mints new NATR tokens from the treasury, the majority of which are distributed to the stakers. Thus, the gain for stakers will come from their auto-compounding balances, though price exposure remains an important consideration. That is, if the increase in token balance outpaces the potential drop in price (due to inflation), stakers would make a profit.

The main benefit for minters comes from price consistency. Minters commit a capital upfront and are promised a fixed return at a set point in time; that return is given in NATR tokens and thus the minter’s profit would depend on NATR price when the minted NATR matures. Taking this into consideration, minters benefit from a rising or static price for the NATR token.

Dark Forest NFT holders will be rewarded by frequent airdrops!

The other benefit is knowing that your support for the protocol will help give back to the planet and use the crypto market, which has been seen to have a negative impact on climate change, to make our planet a more sustainable place to live for all human kind for generations to come.

Who created Nature Dao?

Nature Dao is a fork of Wonderland Time on the Fantom Opera Chain. Our team is mostly anonymous, born from the DeFi Community. We will have a fully doxed dev at the beginning of the project. A face for everyone to see and feel comfortable with our ecosystem. We will not hide in the shadows. The goal is to be fully transparent by using weekly AMAs, KYC, and Doxing to become a ecosystem that everyone can feel comfortable with. One of our devs has also spent their professional career working in the field of Sustainable BioProducts. Which is why our protocol’s logo is the tree. Trees not only provide precious oxygen for our planet but sequester carbon. We want our project to be more like trees. Grow from a tiny seed, into a beautiful large community. We aim to give back to environmental none profits to help clean up and sequester some of the carbon footprint the crypto world emits. We aim at becoming a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, that uses our treasury to not only benefit our holders but the world in which they live. We are actively working towards that goal.

Who runs Nature Dao?

Currently most of the decisions are taken by the core team, but we expect to be able to turn this into a DAO-governed model as soon as possible! Members of the Dev team will KYC and community members will be invited to hold multisig keys to ensure safety and transparency.


Why do we need Nature in the first place?

Dollar-pegged stablecoins have become an essential part of crypto due to their lack of volatility as compared to tokens such as Bitcoin and Ether. Users are comfortable with transacting using stablecoins knowing that they hold the same amount of purchasing power today vs. tomorrow. But this is a fallacy. The dollar is controlled by the US government and the Federal Reserve. This means a depreciation of dollar also means a depreciation of these stablecoins.

Nature aims to solve this by creating a non-pegged stablecoin called NATR. By focusing on supply growth rather than price appreciation, Wonderland hopes that NATR can function as a currency that is able to hold its purchasing power regardless of market volatility and give back to the Planet in at the same time.

Is NATR a stablecoin?

No, NATR is not a stablecoin. Rather, NATR aspires to become an algorithmic reserve currency backed by other decentralized assets. Similar to the idea of the gold standard, NATR provides free-floating value its users can always fall back on, simply because of the fractional treasury reserves NATR draws its intrinsic value from.

NATR is backed, not pegged.

Each NATR is backed by 1 DAI, not pegged to it. Because the treasury backs every NATR with at least 1 DAI, the protocol would buy back and burn NATR when it trades below 1 DAI. This has the effect of pushing NATR price back up to 1 DAI. NATR could always trade above 1 DAI because there is no upper limit imposed by the protocol. Think pegged == 1, while backed >= 1.

You might say that the NATR floor price or intrinsic value is 1 DAI. We believe that the actual price will always be 1 DAI + premium, but in the end that is up to the market to decide.

How does it work?

At a high level, Nature consists of its protocol managed treasury, protocol owned liquidity, bond mechanism (minting), and high staking rewards that are designed to control supply expansion.

Bonding in the “Mint” page generates profit for the protocol, and the treasury uses the profit to mint NATR and distribute them to stakers. With LP bond, the protocol is able to accumulate liquidity to ensure the system stability.

What is the deal with (🌲,🌲)

(🌲,🌲) is the idea that, if everyone cooperated in Nature, it would generate the greatest gain for everyone (from a game theory standpoint). Currently, there are three actions a user can take:

  • Staking
  • Minting (Bonding)
  • Selling

Staking and minting are considered beneficiary to the protocol, while selling is considered detrimental. Staking and selling will also cause a price move, while bonding (minting) does not (we consider buying NATR from the market as a prerequisite of staking, thus causing a price move). If both actions are beneficiary, the actor who moves price also gets half of the benefit (+🫖). If both actions are contradictory, the bad actor who moves price gets half of the benefit (+🫖), while the good actor who moves price gets half of the downside (Ⅹ). If both actions are detrimental, which implies both actors are selling, they both get the worst possible outcome (❌)!

Thus, given two actors, all scenarios of what they could do and the effect on the protocol are shown here:

  • If we both stake (🌲,🌲) it is the best thing for both of us and the protocol (both users gets the Seeds to grow their financial tree).
  • If one of us stakes and the other one bonds, it is also great because staking takes NATR off the market and put it into the protocol, while bonding provides liquidity and DAI for the treasury!
  • When one of us sells, it diminishes effort of the other one who stakes or bonds.
  • When we both sell, it creates the worst outcome for both of us and the protocol (❌, ❌)

Why is PCV important?

As the protocol controls the funds in its treasury, NATR can only be minted or burned by the protocol. This also guarantees that the protocol can always back 1 NATR with 1 DAI. You can easily define the risk of your investment because you can be confident that the protocol will indefinitely buy NATR below 1 DAI with the treasury assets until no one is left to sell. You can’t trust the FED but you can trust the code.

As the protocol accumulates more PCV, more runway is guaranteed for the stakers. This means the stakers can be confident that the current staking APY can be sustained for a longer term because more funds are available in the treasury. Your financial seedling will continue to grow into a beautiful tree.

Why is the market price of NATR so volatile?

It is extremely important to understand how early in development the Nature protocol is. A large amount of discussion has centered around the current price and expected a stable value moving forward. The reality is that these characteristics are not yet determined. The network is currently tuned for expansion of NATR supply, which when paired with the staking, minting, and yield mechanics of Wonderland, result in a fair amount of volatility.

NATR could trade at a very high price because the market is ready to pay a hefty premium to capture a percentage of the current market capitalization. However, the price of NATR could also drop to a large degree if the market sentiment turns bearish. We would expect significant price volatility during our growth phase so please do your own research whether this project suits your goals.

Sales Tax

Nature will implement a 5% sales tax to help grow the project and disincentivize swing trades.

The 5% tax is broken down as follows.

1.5%: For core team development of the Nature ecosystem.

1.5%: For Charitable donation wallet for environmental focused charities.

2%: Sent to treasury to boost backing price of NATR.

What is the point of buying it now when NATR trades at a very high premium?

When you buy and stake NATR, you capture a percentage of the supply (market cap) which will remain close to a constant. This is because your staked NATR balance also increases along with the circulating supply. The implication is that if you buy NATR when the market cap is low, you would be capturing a larger percentage of the market cap.

What is a rebase?

Rebase is a mechanism by which your staked NATR balance increases automatically. When new NATR are minted by the protocol, a large portion of it goes to the stakers. Because stakers only see staked NATR balance instead of NATR the protocol utilizes the rebase mechanism to increase the staked NATR balance so that 1 staked NATR, is always redeemable for 1 NATR.

What is reward yield?

Reward yield is the percentage by which your staked NATR balance increases on the next epoch. It is also known as rebase rate. You can find this number on the Wonderland staking page.

What is APY?

APY stands for annual percentage yield. It measures the real rate of return on your principal by taking into account the effect of compounding interest. In the case of Nature, your staked NATR represents your principal, and the compound interest is added periodically on every epoch (8 hours) thanks to the rebase mechanism.

One interesting fact about APY is that your balance will grow not linearly but exponentially over time! Assuming a daily compound interest of 2%, if you start with a balance of 1 NATR on day 1, after a year, your balance will grow to about 1377.

How is the APY calculated?

The APY is calculated from the reward yield (a.k.a rebase rate) using the following equation:


It raises to the power of 1095 because a rebase happens 3 times daily. Consider there are 365 days in a year, this would give a rebase frequency of 365 * 3 = 1095.

Reward yield is determined by the following equation:


The number of NATR distributed to the staking contract is calculated from NATR total supply using the following equation:


Note that the reward rate is subject to change by the protocol.

Why does the price of NATR become irrelevant in long term?

As illustrated above, your NATR balance will grow exponentially over time thanks to the power of compounding. Let’s say you buy a NATR for $400 now and the market decides that in 1 year time, the intrinsic value of NATR will be $2. Assuming a daily compound interest rate of 2%, your balance would grow to about 1377 NATR by the end of the year, which is worth around $2754. That is a cool $2354 profit! By now, you should understand that you are paying a premium for NATR now in exchange for a long-term benefit. Thus, you should have a long time horizon to allow your NATR balance to grow exponentially and make this a worthwhile investment.

What will be NATR intrinsic value in the future?

here is no clear answer for this, but the intrinsic value can be determined by the treasury performance. For example, if the treasury could guarantee to back every NATR with 100 DAI, the intrinsic value will be 100 DAI. It can also be decided by the future DAO. For example, if the DAO decides to raise the price floor of NATR, its intrinsic value will rise accordingly.

How does the protocol manage to maintain the high staking APY?

Let’s say the protocol targets an APY of 100,000%. This would translate to a rebase rate of about 0.6328%, or a daily growth of about 2%. Please refer to the equation above to learn how APY is calculated from the rebase rate.

If there are 100,000 NATR tokens staked right now, the protocol would need to mint an additional 2000 NATR to achieve this daily growth. This is achievable if the protocol can bring in at least 2000 DAI daily from bond sales. If the protocol fails to achieve this, the APY of 100,000% cannot be guaranteed.

Do I have to unstake and stake NATR on every epoch to get my rebase rewards?

No. Once you have staked NATR with Nature, your staked NATR balance will auto-compound on every epoch. That increase in balance represents your rebase rewards.

How do I track my rebase rewards?

You can track your rebase rewards by calculating the increase in your staked NATR balance.

1. Record down the Current Index value on the staking page when you first stake your NATR. Let’s call this the Start Index.

2. After staking for some time, if you want to determine by how much your balance has increased, check the Current Index value again. Let’s call this the End Index.

3. By dividing the End Index by Start Index, you would get the ratio by which your staked NATR balance has increased.


Is Nature Audited?

Nature is currently unaudited! It is a fork of Olympus DAO on the Fantom Opera Network, audits will occur at a later stage. Stay cautious!

Why is it Minting and not Bonding?

Here at Nature we believe that minting better describes the action that users are taking, when purchasing NATR with different assets. If you go to the “Mint” page of the website, you will be able to mint NATR tokens, effectively selling your assets for discounted NATR tokens. Depsite the name difference, the process is exactly the same as a Bond Purchase on Olympus DAO!

What is Staking

Staking is the primary value accrual strategy of Nature. Stakers stake their NATR tokens on Nature Website to earn rebase rewards. The rebase rewards come from the proceed from bond sales, and can vary based on the number of NATR staked in the protocol and the reward rate set by monetary policy.

Staking is a passive, long-term strategy. The increase in your stake of NATR translates into a constantly falling cost basis converging on zero. This means even if the market price of NATR drops below your initial purchase price, given a long enough staking period, the increase in your staked NATR balance should eventually outpace the fall in price.

When you stake, you lock NATR and receive an equal amount of SNATR. Your SNATR balance rebases up automatically at the end of every epoch. SNATR is transferable and therefore composable with other DeFi protocols.

When you unstake, you burn SNATR and receive an equal amount of NATR tokens. Unstaking means the user will forfeit the upcoming rebase reward. Note that the forfeited reward is only applicable to the unstaked amount; the remaining staked NATR (if any) will continue to receive rebase rewards.

What is Minting?

Minting is the secondary value accrual strategy of Nature. When users mint NATR tokens, they are actually selling their assets in order to buy a bond from the protocol. Minting Actions are a cross between a fixed income product, a futures contract, and an option. The protocol quotes the minter with terms for a trade at a future date. These terms include a predefined amount of NATR the minter will mint and the time when vesting is complete. The bond becomes redeemable as it vests. I.e. in a 5-day term, after 2 days into the term 40% of the rewards can be claimed.

Minting is an active, short-term strategy. The price discovery mechanism of the secondary bond market renders mints discounts more or less unpredictable. Therefore minting is considered a more active investment strategy that has to be monitored constantly in order to be more profitable as compared to staking.

Allowing users to purchases bonds thorugh Minting allows Nature to accumulate its own liquidity. We call our own liquidity POL. More POL ensures there is always locked exit liquidity in our trading pools to facilitate market operations and protect token holders. Since Nature becomes its own market, on top of additional certainty for NATR investors, the protocol accrues more and more revenue from LP rewards bolstering our treasury.

Why is it Minting and not Bonding?

Here at Nature we believe that minting better describes the action that users are taking, when purchasing NATR with different assets. If you go to the “Mint” page of the website, you will be able to mint NATR tokens, effectively selling your assets for discounted NATR tokens. Depsite the name difference, a Minting Action is exactly the same as a Bond Purchase on Olympus DAO!

How to Buy NATR

  1. Go to https://spookyswap.finance/ swap page.
  2. Make sure the output currency is NATR. You can also copy and paste NATR contract address in the output currency field to ensure you are swapping the right token. The NATR token address on Fantom is ……………….
  3. You can select any input currency based on your available wallet balance. We reccomend FTM-NATR pair for the deepest liquidity!
  4. Select the amount of NATR you want to swap for. Then click “Approve” and sign the transaction.
  5. After the “Approve” transaction has been processed successfully, click “Swap” and sign the transaction.
  6. You should see NATR in your wallet balance now after the swap transaction is successful. If you cannot find it in your wallet, add NATR contract address to your wallet.

Note: The “Approve” transaction is only needed when you swap NATR for the first time; subsequent swapping only requires you to perform the “Swap” transaction.

How to Unstake

  1. Go to the Stake page of the Nature website. Select the “Unstake” tab.
  2. Enter the amount of SNATR that you would like to unstake in the input field. If you would like to unstake all your SNATR, press the “Max” button and the input field will be populated with all your available SNATRbalance.
  3. Click “Approve” and sign the transaction.
  4. After the “Approve” transaction has been processed successfully, click “Unstake” and sign the transaction.

Note: The “Approve” transaction is only needed when staking/unstaking for the first time; subsequent staking/unstaking only requires you to perform the “Stake” or “Unstake” transaction.

Reading the Info

  • APY tells you the annualized rate of return based on the reward yield. It takes into account the effect of compounding since SNATR rebases exponentially.
  • TVL measures the dollar amount of all the staked NATR in Nature.
  • Current Index allows you to track your gain from staking. The index started from 1 at epoch 0, and increases every epoch. If you staked at genesis (epoch 0) and never unstaked any NATR, your balance today would be X times greater, where X is the current index. You can use the index to track your position by marking down the index number when you stake and unstake. You divide the index number when you unstake by the index number when you stake to get the ratio by which your SNATR balance has increased.
  • Your Balance tells you how many unstaked NATR are in your wallet. This is the maximum amount that you can stake.
  • Your Staked Balance tells you how many staked NATR are in your wallet. This is the maximum amount that you can unstake.
  • Next Reward Amount tells you how much NATR you are getting next rebase,
  • Next Reward Yield tells you how much your sNATR balance will increase when the next epoch begins. For example, if you stake 100 NATR and the upcoming rebase is 0.5427%, your sNATR balance would increase from 100 to 100.5427.
  • ROI (5-Day Rate) estimates how much your sNATR balance will increase after 5 days, if the reward yield stays the same during this period. For example, if you stake 100 NATR and the rate is 8.4577%, your sNATR balance would increase from 100 to 108.4577 after 5 days.

Mint your NATR (🌲,🌲)

The Mint page allow users to mint NATR from the protocol at a discount by trading it with i) liquidity (LP tokens) or ii) other assets. The former is called liquidity minting and the latter reserve minting.

The minting action create bonds which take roughly 15 epochs to vest, and NATR tokens are vested linearly to the user over that period. Liquidity minting help the protocol to accumulate and lock liquidity, while reserve minting allows the protocol to grow its treasury, and thus its Backing per NATR faster.

Nature offers currently different types of assets that can be used to mint NATR on its website:

  • DAI
  • wFTM


Settings is a feature that allows you to mint NATR while sending the acquired NATR to another address. This is useful for additional privacy, or for minting multiple NATR while the current mints are still vesting. Note that if the same account holds multiple mints, the pending rewards from the earlier mints will be forfeited. Note: What this means in practice, is that if a user has vested rewards from a previous minting action purchase, and he then mints another NATR, the 5 days timer is reset for all the rewards, and the vesting period will start again.

  1. Go to Mint page and select the assets you want to use to mint NATRs.
  2. Select the amount that you would like to mint, then click on the cogwheel icon at the top right of the page.
  3. The Settings menu will show up. At the Recipient Address field, you can specify a different address that will receive the vested NATR. By default, it is filled with your current address.
  4. You can also modify the Slippage field to increase or decrease the likelihood of your order getting through. A higher slippage increases that likelihood, but you may get a more undesirable fill price.
  5. Close the Settings menu by clicking the cross icon.
  6. Click “Approve” and sign the transaction.
  7. After the “Approve” transaction has been processed successfully, click “Mint” and sign the transaction. Boom, you have minted your first NATR tokens using the Settings!


  • The “Approve” transaction is only needed when minting for the first time; subsequent minting only requires you to perform the “mint” transaction.
  • When using Settings, do not alter the mint amount after you have closed the Settings menu, as it will reset the recipient address.

How to Redeem

Go to the Mint page and select the bond type you have purchased. Select the “Redeem” tab.

Use the Claim to claim your available rewards and have the pending NATR sent to your wallet.

Use the Claim and Autostake button to have all the available NATR sent automatically to the staking contract and receive the sNATR as a receipt for your stake!

Bond Page:

  • MINT Price is the price of NATR you get from minting. You can calculate the mint price using the following formulae: — LP Mint: (Value of your LP token / NATR you’ll get from minting) — DAI Mint: (Value of your DAI token / NATR you’ll get from minting)
  • NATR Price is the market price of NATR.
  • Your Balance is your balance of LP tokens or asset used to mint.
  • You Will Get tells you how many NATR tokens you will get from minting.
  • Max You can Buy maximum amount of NATR available to be bought.
  • Debt Ratio measures the total amount of NATR created from mints that have yet to be paid out by the protocol. The debt ratio is calculated differently for LP mints and DAI mints: — LP Mint: (NATR created from unredeemed mints / NATR total supply) — DAI Mint: (NATR created from unredeemed mints / NATR circulating supply)
  • Vesting Term measures the period a minting action takes to fully redeem. This number is expressed in days.
  • Minimum Purchase: Minimum amount of NATR that can be minted

Redeem Page.

  • Time Until fully vested time until the NATR minted will be fully redeemable
  • Pending Rewards is the amount of NATR you are entitled to receive from minting.
  • Claimable Rewards is the amount of NATR that you can claim now. This amount keeps increasing as NATR is vested to you over the vesting period.
  • ROI is the Return On Investment

Vesting Term measures the period a Minting action takes to fully redeem. This number is expressed in days.



Nature Dao

Grow Your Investment Seeds into a Tree of Wealth! With the power of DeFi we will all make it! Join us on our mission to support environmental charities too!