Advantages of studying using technology

Natalia Sevilla
2 min readJun 17, 2019


Well as we all know now a days we use technology every day. The world has now become technology dependent because of all the advantages it has. The technology is a great tool to study.

You can use computers, phones, tablets and other devices to communicate in a faster way. So talking about studying and the technology advantages is easy to make group work, to send information to other people and also to clarify doubts with the teacher.

Also with technology you can easily access to internet. Internet is a source of knowledge. You can get in there information about education, goverment laws, tourism, art, market sales, sports, finance, and everything you want. Also now a days there are many books that can be obtained online so it is not necessary to go to find it in a library.

Another example is education like home schooling, that it is easily carried out using technology. Teachers can upload videos, materials, send emails, make a online classes or a video conference. Also you can access to technology all around the world which is helpful for everybody. For example, in Costa Rica, in the Institute of Technology of Costa Rica you can use the TECDigital in where teachers can upload presentations, grades, videos or books.

“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher´s hand. Because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” -David Warlick

