Case Study: Best Wish for the loved one-Last Wish by Bank Jago

Naufal Arkan L
10 min readDec 27, 2022


Mockup template by Nam Design

Hi, Everyone! In Indonesia they said “Tak kenal maka tak sayang”. So let me introduce my self, My name is Naufal Arkan Lutfiansyah and i want to share you about my journey to learn case study from bank apps. Let’s do it, Shall we?


This Project is a part of the program Bootcamp UI/UX Design Fullstack 2022 from Skilvul with Bank Jago as a Challange Partner, and not a under professional contract by Bank Jago.


In today’s digital era, All difficulties are easy to solve with digital technology. Millions of digital users are experiencing a very effective impact on their daily activities. Start from the goods to services are now available on online platforms which are accessible wherever and whenever.

To support the need to manage finances and save for the future, Bank apps also keep abreast of technological developments, Banks also follow technology by providing online applications, and Bank Jago is one of them. By implementing banking services that are centered on the user’s life, the user will be pampered with the simple, collaborative, and innovative nature of banking.

Because the digital era makes it easy for us in all things, It’s the same with Bank Jago's purpose. Now, Bank Jago wants to help users to be able to make life insurance packaged and wrapped in a digital will. When making a will, users will find it easier because they can arrange the will according to what they want. Such as arranging the contents of the letter, The insurance to choose, To the assets they want to leave behind. With this feature, It is hoped that users can be helped to provide the best for their loved ones.


  • To help make it easier for users to be able to create and manage life insurance that is packaged and wrapped with a will.
  • Helping users to be able to provide the best wish for loved ones.

Role in team

In this project, My role is as a product designer and researcher.

Design Process

I choose to use Design Thinking as our design process approach. Because with Design Thinking we can see other opportunities and can provide good feedback in realizing an application.

1 — Empathize

Empathize is a process to understand users more deeply in order to motivate us to be able to adjust what they need and what constraints they experience when using the features we made. Therefore, at this empathize stage, I want to tell you what I did to get user data.

A. Methode

In this process, the method I use is secondary research. I did 2 different research. The first one is I do research on the rating of Bank Jago and competitors in the app store and play store to be able to find pain points from a user’s point of view, and the second is I do research about insurance data that can be found on the internet.

B. Data findings

After I explain the methods, I will show you the data that I have found through the secondary research that I did. Please, take a look!

Rate review by user for Bank Jago in PlayStore.

Many users do their own assessments to be able to make a reference for Bank Jago to improve. Based on the data above, I can conclude that:

  1. Some information needs to be maximized to be more effective.
  2. Confusing user flow.
  3. The loading experience is not comfortable for the user.

Data Surfing on the internet

Besides using the secondary research method on application ratings, I also research information about insurance and also last wish letters on the internet. In fact, in Indonesia, only 6.5% of the population has life insurance. After I searched, I found several problems that have been researched such as:

  1. Lack of insurance education for users.
  2. Users don’t feel old enough to make life insurance.
  3. Users are confused about paying insurance premiums.
  4. Users feel that their salary is not enough to pay the premiums.

The data above will be a reference for me to improvise on this project. Okay, Now let’s move to the next phase!

2 — Define

After getting information based on the data above, I want to proceed to the second stage, Define. At the Define stage, I determine Pain points, How Might We, and solutions. Let’s dig deeper at this stage!

Pain Points and How Might We

After we define our problems, We must find the How Might We to make sure our idea is stick to the problems we found. And now the next step is to find some idea solutions for our problems. So, still keep the position, guys!

3 — Ideate

Finally we arrived at Ideate Phase! In this phase, I want to share a lot with you about my ideate for this project. In this phase, I want to share my solution idea, User flow until the Design System. Let’s get into it!

Solution Idea

After we found the problems and define the How Might We, we made a solution idea to solve the problems. Here are my Solution ideas :

Here's my solution idea to solve the problems

Affinity Diagram

Affinity diagrams help me to group the solution ideas that I have made. We can find out what idea what we making for.

Prioritization Idea

After grouping with Affinity Diagram, We must find out the prioritization of the idea. In this phase, We must sort the idea from the important to the last. Prioritization idea has 4 sections, which is sorted by Important to not important and Effortless to difficult.

Prioritization sorted by Value and Effort

Mapping User Journey

Map of User Journey in creating will offline

Before creating the user flow, We need to know about the user journey in the creating will. We can use User Journey as a table of problems to help find the opportunity that we can provide to fix the issues.

User Flow

Okay, Let’s move to the next step of ideating. User flow is the step of ideating to see what the user going through to reach thegoals. In this step, I decided to create an effective and efficient flow of users to achieve their goals. I make 3 step user flows in this phase.

Step 1: Education

In the first step, I want to provide education and highlight information about the feature. So users can understand what features are for. Because the more user knows, the easier user to reach their goals.

Step 2: Create your own Last Wish!

Now user creating their magic! In the second step, users create and adjust their Wish according to their needs. User can customize their package, company insurance, goals, Asset until the notary.

Step 3: Payment

And now we meet in the last step of user flow. In this step, We want to reach the goals, So we create the user flow of premium payment and let the user choose their payment method to keep the Wish alive.


After we defined the user flow, Information Architecture, and now made wireframes. Wireframe or Low-Fidelity helps me to be consistent in creating the concept and the design solutions.

Wireframe/Low-Fi Last Wish feature

We finished creating low-fi for the next step(Hi-Fi). We need to create a design system to make it easier when we build the High-Fidelity design. The design system has 3 types : Atoms, Molecules, and Organisms.

Design System — Atoms
Design System — Moleculs
Design System — Organism

Are you guys excited to see the Hi-Fi of my design? Let’s move to the next phase!

4 — High-Fidelity and Prototyping

Prototyping is a phase when you finally can see the final High-Fidelity design. In this phase you not only can see my final design before testing, but you can try it too! That sound interesting, right? without further ado, Let’s get started!


After we make the wireframes as our guide concept design, now we make Hi-Fi which is not much different in concept from the Low-Fi we made before. Now let me show you a magic trick. One, Two, Thre.. Puuff, Magic!

High-Fidelity Design Last Wish feature

Tadaaa, This is the High-Fidelity I create for the Last Wish feature. Not only that, I’ve made a prototype for you to see the steps.


Next! We create the prototyping. Prototyping is the implementation of our design into an interactive interface. Here, you can try my prototype!

Prototype Last Wish feature

5 — Testing

Testing is the phase when my design gets tested by participants and gets feedback from them. So we can find out what the user feels and user needs while using the feature before we launch the feature. In this phase, I used the Depth-in Interview & Usability Testing method to get better feedback rather than Focus group decision. After participants tried the prototype and feel experience of the feature, I ask them to assess my design. I'm using rate it on a scale of 1 to 7 with Single East Question (SEQ) Parameters. I asked about the usability, convenience, and satisfaction of the respondent each time completing the flow.

Now that we’ve set the flow of what we’re going to do, We must create the research objective, criteria of the respondent, and task for the participant.

Research Objective

  1. Find out whether the users understand the Last Wish feature.
  2. Find out what user needs in making insurance with an online platform.
  3. Knowing usability, convenience, and satisfaction user about the feature.

Respondent Criteria

  1. 25–35 years old.
  2. Work as an employee and have insurance at least from their company.
  3. Domiciled in urban areas of Indonesia.
  4. Using internet daily to help their daily activities.


In this phase, I give a few tasks for participants to complete in order to get the information I need. Before participants do the tasks, I explain a bit about the feature and tell them when should they start and when should they stop.

Tasks assigned to participants

I give them 3 tasks like I create the user flow :

  1. Task 1 — Introduction Last Wish
  2. Task 2 — Create Your wish in Last Wish
  3. Task 3 Premi payment

To get more information, I ask a few questions after participants finished each task:

Task 1 — Introduction Last Wish :

  1. What information that you get after completing the first task?
  2. What experience do you get in this tasks?
  3. Any problems encountered in this task?
  4. What should we need to improve from this app?

Task 2 — Create Your wish in Last Wish :

  1. The steps in this task, is it understandable for you?
  2. What difficulties did you experience?
  3. What should we need to improved from this app?

Task 3 — Premi Payment :

  1. Did you feel easy to pay for this task?
  2. What difficulties did you experience?
  3. What should we need to improve from this app?

Research Results

The findings point from the research that I have done :

  1. Information and education are easily delivered to user.
  2. The user interface in Step in creating Last Wish is simple and understandable.
  3. There are a few things that need to be improved to maximize the user experience to user achieving their goals.

Suggestion from participants

After we do testing, Participants also give me suggestions about the design solution to maximize the user experience, such as:

  1. In the address section, better use the dropdown option to save more time than using manual typing.
  2. Only some people are willing to provide information about their salary, so better do the dropdown range option too.
  3. At the final payment section, Users need a timer to know how much time is given to complete the payment section.

Single East Question (SEQ)

The SEQ results from Usability Testing from 3 Tasks have been done by participants in 6 of 7, You know what guys? it's Passed! The reason why the participant give the 6 score is that he said “Everything is good, but I think a few things need to be improved to maximize the experience”.

SEQ Score of my project


We got feedback from the participant, and now is the time for us to improve and maximize the experience through user feedback. Here’s my iteration from the feedback.

From the input field to the dropdown selection
The timer of payment

Caution! Iteration design is carried out if almost all participants experience the same problems, so if the problem found only impacts a few participants, then it needs to be considered.


In this case study, I learned a lot about how to empathize with users. Before getting to know the user more deeply, designers usually only care about a good interface and a bit of usability, but that won’t go well if we don’t put the user’s habits and feelings first.

I realized that a good application turns out to be a user-centered application, not just aesthetic design.

Next Recommendation

My next recommendation for you, myself, and designers is don’t forget to target your design to be user-centered. And because we should make a user-centered design, we need to dig deep for more information about users. One of them is to conduct in-depth interviews at an early stage, so we will know what the user needs, and what are the real pain points from the user’s perspective directly so users can give us valid information. So we must know more about users not only from usability testing.

Finally, we have reached the end of the Case Study. Thank you for staying here with me and let me explain what I have done in this project. Thank you and see you guys in the next project!

