BANCA Weekly Update 03.08.2018

3 min readAug 3, 2018


1. BANCA payment function for CoinAI is now fully developed and ready to go live! By this achievement, BANCA project has passed another important checkpoint.

2. In order to make sure the product is in its best shape before meeting the public, We have sent out invitation for everyone to join us in ‘Community Testing’ event. With 100,000 BANCA as a reward for those who will eventually get selected by our team to participate, we have received tremendous interest from our friends so far. A lot of them have given very useful suggestions to improve BANCA and CoinAI and we would like to thank everyone who is sending us emails. Although we have to pick very limited number of testers for this event, no matter being selected or not, we would like to say: You are the best community we could ever ask for!

3. The next step: with the success of CoinAI, BANCA team decides there is no time for complacency and relaxation. We know where we want to go as always and mid-term plans have been made and are already in action. Hint: More utilities and stronger CoinAI and new products!

4. We have never stopped making efforts in our marketing outreach. More exposure in Korea and more community events will be expected.

5. We are still talking to FCoin exchange about voluntarily delisting. FCoin has replied on this matter positively so far and we wish to be voluntarily delisted asap.

Development progress:

6. Finished: CoinAI utility for BANCA payment. Wallet function has been finished and tested. In the new version, every user will be assigned a BANCA wallet address (shown as below on main page) and deposited BANCA token can be used to purchase VIP subscriptions.

7. Finished: We have finished the design for the new CoinAI homepage. Now the project has been passed on to developers who will soon make it happen. The new layout will emphasize more the community feature and make CoinAI functions easier to access for our users.

8. In progress: Apart from the new main page layout, we are also adding more features to CoinAI analytics, translating CoinAI user manual into Korean, also developing additional utilities (details will be disclosed in the near future)!

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BANCA Platform

The BANCA platform serves the global cryptocurrency community. BANCA’s dynamic eco-chain uses AI and expert system that includes automatic management. The BANCA platform analyzes Big Data and delivers precise services tailored to the specific needs of our individual users.



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