No crypto enthusiast left behind: Nauticus announces Bounty Campaign

Nauticus Blockchain
Nauticus blockchain
3 min readMar 17, 2018


· 12,500,000 NTS up for grabs

· Help Nauticus spread the word and secure up to 80 shares per week

Melbourne fintech company Nauticus has started its presale. Tens of thousands of people have shown interest in the company’s six innovative banking and eCommerce solutions and many have asked us if there’s still a way to get free coins now that the register for interest period has concluded.

That’s why co-founders Bryan Ng and Jonathan Chang have developed the Bounty Campaign, which runs until the end of the Nauticus Coin sale on May 18, 2018.

“We wanted to make sure that people who believe in Nauticus but can’t afford to buy tokens right now have options,” explains Chang.

Participants who join the Bounty Campaign will receive shares according to the campaign or campaigns they take part in.

Nauticus reserved 12,500,000 NTS for the Bounty Campaign and they will be distributed amongst its participants at the end of the ICO period.

Joining the Bounty Campaign is easy. This is what has to be done:

1) Register using Twitter, Facebook or email

2) Choose one or more campaigns

3) Fill in the registration form

4) Complete the reports

5) Receive your coins

Each campaign has been tailored to help spread the word about Nauticus and its innovative six eCommerce and banking solutions — and all need a bit of commitment.

Join the official Nauticus Telegram Group and stay there until the end of the Bounty Campaign. Fill in the Telegram Registration form and the spreadsheet and receive one share.

If you have more than 500 friends on Facebook and your profile is public, then you qualify for the Facebook component of our Bounty Campaign.

Like us on Facebook and share our content. Get one share when you share one of our post with your friends; get two shares when you write a post about Nauticus. Send your weekly reports as soon as you reach five posts and five shares.

And yes, in this case, there is a fine print: no one can make more than 15 shares per week and our Facebook managers will make sure that what you reported is true.

The Twitterati can also take part. Those with more than 300 authentic followers who follow @Nauticusen can earn one share when the retweet one of Nauticus’s tweets, or two shares when they tweet about us and use the hashtags #Nauticus #NTS.

Fill in the Twitter registration form and submit your tweet every week. Our Bounty Campaign managers will review the information and make sure you don’t go over the maximum limit of five retweets, five tweets and 15 shares per week.

All bloggers and content creators are invited to join our Bounty Campaign. Write an article or blog post and earn up to 30 shares, depending on the length, quality and the number of views. The stories should have a minimum of 400 words, include a link to and our white paper, be publicly viewable and published in a platform that is relevant to our audience. Manage to post the content on an ICO tracking or schedule website and earn 30 shares.

Fill in the registration form and then send links to your content via the spreadsheet. Our editors will decide how many shares you get.

Speak two or three languages? Help us translate our white paper and announcement thread link and win up to 150 shares. Our team will make sure that the translations are correct and not just bot translations. If you are interested, reserve a language and Nauticus will contact you.

Always active on the Bitcoin Talk Forum? Get shares depending on your membership status and the number of contributions. Fill in our registration form, commit to posting at least 7 constructive posts on Bitcoin Talk Forum every week and report back via our Campaign Spreadsheet. You can make up to 80 shares per week.

There’s no excuse not to join the Nauticus revolution today.

Discover more about Nauticus on our website



Nauticus Blockchain
Nauticus blockchain

Nauticus provides user-friendly, efficient and secure crypto banking, payments and eCommerce solutions utilising blockchain technology.