The Future of Cross-Platform Mobile Development: 2023 and Beyond

Nautilus Techlabs
9 min readSep 21, 2023



You’re a mobile app developer in 2023, and the options for building apps have exploded. Not too long ago, you had to choose between native development for iOS and Android, or settling for a subpar web app. Now, cross-platform frameworks let you build a single app and deploy it everywhere. The future is bright!

In 2023, the major players in cross-platform mobile dev are more powerful than ever. With hot reloading, customizable UI elements, and native functionality, your users won’t know the difference. Performance and UX are nearly on par with native apps.

You have your pick of React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, and more. Community support is huge, updates are frequent, and capabilities keep expanding. Whichever framework you choose, you’ll be able to build for iOS, Android, desktop, and the web from a single codebase. The future of mobile development is cross-platform, and it’s an exciting place to be!

React Native: Still the King of Cross-Platform in 2023?

React Native has dominated the cross-platform mobile app development scene, and for good reason. In 2023, it’s likely to still reign supreme.

React Native allows you to build iOS and Android apps with the same JavaScript codebase. You get native UI and performance, all while leveraging your web dev skills.

Some of the biggest players are betting on React Native, including Facebook, Instagram, and Skype. With such major backing, React Native will continue to be well-supported and improved for years to come.

However, React Native isn’t without its downsides. It can be difficult to customize native UI elements, and you’re locked into React. Some devs prefer the flexibility of truly native code.

Flutter and NativeScript are two up-and-coming alternatives that compile to native code, allowing for more customization. But React Native’s popularity and constant enhancements will be hard to beat.

In 2023, we’ll likely see:

  1. Improved native UI components and customization in React Native.
  2. Greater adoption of React Native by small to mid-sized companies.
  3. Flutter and NativeScript continue to gain fans looking for an alternative.
  4. New cross-platform frameworks emerging, though unlikely to threaten React Native’s rule.

Overall, React Native will probably remain the most used framework for building iOS and Android apps with a single codebase. Its large community and frequent updates give it a clear advantage. For most devs, it’ll still be the king of cross-platform in 2023 and beyond.

Flutter: Google’s Open-Source UI Toolkit Continues to Gain Traction

Flutter, Google’s open-source UI toolkit for building native apps, just keeps getting better. By 2023, Flutter will likely dominate cross-platform mobile development. Here are a few reasons why:

Flutter’s “code once, run anywhere” philosophy lets you use a single codebase to build apps for iOS and Android. This means faster development times and easier updates. Flutter also uses the Skia 2D rendering library, so your apps will have a natural, native look on both platforms.

Flutter is gaining more capabilities all the time. Things like inline video, interactive maps, Bluetooth connectivity, and NFC are either built-in or available through third-party packages. Flutter’s catalog of pre-built widgets and components is huge, so you can build nearly any UI you can dream up.

Flutter has a vibrant open-source community creating packages to extend its functionality. By 2023, there will be Flutter packages for just about everything. Need to add authentication, implement machine learning, or build an AR experience? There’s probably already a Flutter package for that.

Flutter is backed by Google, so it’s not going anywhere. Google is investing heavily in Flutter and using it to build their own apps like Google Ads and Google Pay. This long-term commitment to the framework means you can adopt Flutter with confidence.

The future is bright for Flutter and cross-platform development. If you want to build mobile apps faster, with higher quality and lower costs, Flutter should be at the top of your list. The possibilities with this open-source toolkit are endless.

Xamarin: A Stalwart Option for .NET Developers

A Stalwart Option for .NET Developers

If you’re a .NET developer, Xamarin should be at the top of your list for cross-platform mobile development frameworks. Xamarin allows you to leverage your C# and .NET skills to build native iOS and Android apps from a single shared codebase.

Xamarin’s main appeal is that you can use familiar Microsoft technologies like C#, .NET, and Visual Studio to build mobile apps. Xamarin provides native platform integrations so you can access device features like the camera, GPS, and address book on both iOS and Android. Your apps will look and feel truly native.

Some key benefits of Xamarin include:

  • Native UIs: Build platform-specific UIs for iOS and Android that match the native look and feel.
  • Shared Code: Reuse up to 96% of your code across platforms. Only platform-specific code needs to be implemented separately.
  • .NET Standard: Use .NET Standard to build libraries that work across all .NET platforms, including Xamarin.
  • Visual Studio: Use the familiar Visual Studio IDE to build, debug, and deploy your mobile apps.
  • C# and .NET: Leverage your existing C# and .NET skills. No need to learn Objective-C, Swift, or Java.

Xamarin does have a steep learning curve, especially if you’re new to mobile development. The Xamarin tooling can also be complex to set up and configure. However, for .NET developers, Xamarin is a powerful framework that allows you to maximize code reuse and leverage your existing technical skills to build cross-platform mobile apps.

If you want to build mobile apps but don’t want to start from scratch with platform-specific languages and tools, Xamarin is a stalwart option to consider. With Xamarin, C# and .NET developers can build mobile apps faster using skills they already have.

Kotlin Multiplatform: A Viable Option for Native Android Devs

Kotlin Multiplatform: A Viable Option for Native Android Devs:

As an Android developer, you’re probably familiar with Kotlin, Google’s officially supported language for Android development. Kotlin Multiplatform is an extension of the Kotlin language that allows you to leverage your existing Kotlin skills to build cross-platform mobile apps.

With Kotlin Multiplatform, you can share common business logic between Android, iOS, and other platforms. This means you can write the core of your app once and reuse it across platforms.

Things like:

  • Networking
  • Data persistence
  • Business rules
  • UI logic

can all be shared. You then implement native UIs on each platform that tap into the shared code.

Some key benefits of Kotlin Multiplatform include:

  • Leverage your existing Kotlin knowledge. The language is largely the same, so you can get up and running quickly.
  • Share up to 70–80% of your code between Android and iOS. This significantly reduces development time and cost.
  • Kotlin Multiplatform produces native binaries for each platform, so your apps will feel natural on both Android and iOS.
  • You have full access to native platform APIs. Kotlin Multiplatform plays nicely with the native tools and frameworks you already know and love.

To get started with Kotlin Multiplatform, you’ll need:

  1. Familiarity with Kotlin. Take a Kotlin course or work through some tutorials to learn the basics.
  2. Knowledge of Swift or Objective-C. To build the iOS UI, you’ll need to know Apple’s native languages.
  3. The Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin. This plugin provides the infrastructure to build and run Kotlin Multiplatform projects.
  4. Patience and a willingness to learn. Kotlin Multiplatform is still evolving, so some pain points remain. But many developers find the benefits well worth it.

Kotlin Multiplatform allows you to become a truly cross-platform mobile developer without having to learn an entirely new technology stack. By leveraging Kotlin and the native languages you already know, you can build high-quality apps for both major mobile platforms with a single codebase. For Android developers, Kotlin Multiplatform represents an easy path into the world of cross-platform development.

FAQ: The Most Common Questions About Cross-Platform Mobile Development

So you have some questions about cross-platform mobile development? No worries, here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

What exactly is cross-platform mobile development?

Cross-platform mobile development refers to building mobile apps that can run on multiple platforms (like iOS and Android) from a single codebase. This is made possible by frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin which allow developers to write apps in languages like JavaScript, Dart, and C# and then compile them to native apps on both platforms.

What are the benefits of cross-platform mobile development?

There are a few key benefits to cross-platform mobile development:

  • Save time and money. You only have to build one app instead of two separate native apps.
  • Reach more users. Your app will be available on both Android and iOS, so you have access to the entire mobile market.
  • Use existing web skills. If you build with a framework like React Native, you can leverage your existing web dev skills to build mobile apps.

What are some of the top cross-platform mobile development frameworks?

Some of the most popular options for cross-platform mobile development include:

  • React Native — Uses React to build native iOS and Android apps. Very popular.
  • Flutter — Uses the Dart programming language to build native iOS and Android apps. Created by Google.
  • Xamarin — Uses C# to build native iOS and Android apps. Owned by Microsoft.
  • Ionic — Builds hybrid mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

What are the downsides of cross-platform mobile development?

Some potential downsides to be aware of include:

  • Performance issues. Cross-platform apps may have slower performance than fully native apps.
  • Limited access to device features. Some device features may not be fully accessible through cross-platform frameworks.
  • App store challenges. Getting apps approved on both the iOS App Store and Google Play can be difficult. Policies differ between the two platforms.

Hope this helps answer some of your questions about cross-platform mobile development! Let me know if you have any other questions.


So there you have it, a glimpse into the future of cross-platform mobile development. The options for building apps that work on both Android and iOS are only going to get better and more robust over the next couple of years. Whether you choose a framework like React Native or Flutter or stick with the native platforms, the future is bright. As a developer, you’ll have more opportunities than ever to build innovative experiences that work great no matter what device people are using. The key is to keep learning, stay on top of new updates, and don’t be afraid to experiment. Building for mobile is challenging but rewarding work, and with the right tools and skills, you’ll be creating the apps of the future in no time. The possibilities are endless!

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