Morpheus’ two pills and the veil of ignorance

Varun Navale
4 min readJul 5, 2018


The phrase, Ignorance is bliss is so cliche these days. Humans, like other animals are inherently wired to follow the path of least resistance, with the least effort.

“The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance.” -Benjamin Franklin

Let’s try to investigate ignorance and an individual’s pursuit of knowledge through a critique of scene from The Matrix, released in 1999.

Neo, a computer geek, discovers discrepancies in the world he is living in, making him suspicious of his reality. Neo meets Trinity and after a few scenes (which I shall blatantly ignore for now) she escorts Neo to a room where Morpheus is waiting for Neo.

Before going in, Trinity whispers to Neo- “Let me give you one piece of advice- Be honest!”

Left-Morpheus. Right-Neo. (The Matrix, 1999)

Morpheus- I imagine, right now, you must be feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole?

Neo- You could say that.

Morpheus- I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up.

What rabbit hole? What does it mean? — Rabbits, like other boring mammals, are known to create a vast network of burrows. Enter through a rabbit hole, and one can easily get lost in the complex labyrinth of tunnels.

Morpehus- Do you believe in fate, Neo?

Neo- No.

Morpheus- Why not?

Neo- Because I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life.

Morpheus- I know exactly what you mean.

Through the story of Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Caroll expresses his ideology of an individual that is tries to find order in their life, but the world around them is nothing but chaos. Going down the rabbit hole changes Alice- she grows, she shrinks, she learns. She transcends!

Alice gazes down the rabbit hole. (Alice in Wonderland)

Morpheus sees Neo just like Alice. Neo denies the concept of fate. He uses his own fortitude to actively search for order, instead of relying on fate for answers in the matrix. Neo is primed for transcendence. Neo, is Alice. Alice, is Neo! See the juxtaposition?!

Morpheus gives Neo an offer-

Morpheus offer Neo the red and blue pills. (The Matrix, 1999)

“After this there is no turning back.

You take the blue pill, the story ends.

You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Remember! All that I am offering is the truth. Nothing more!”―Morpheus

If Neo chooses the blue pill, he stays within the matrix. He chooses to stay in the illusion of the matrix. He chooses ignorance! Blue pill= Ignorance?

If Neo chooses the red pill, he has the opportunity to break away from the illusion. The opportunity to jump down the rabbit hole, and he see how deep it goes- to see what lies beyond the veil of his ignorance.

The opportunity to wake up from the illusion of the matrix- To break away from the false perception of his world. To explore the real world. If he chooses the red pill, he takes fate in his own hands and proactively pursues the exploration of reality. Just like Alice! Red pill = Transcendence?

The red pill comes with its consequences. Diving down the rabbit hole of transcendence would lead Neo to potentially altering his entire perspective of the universe.

Jumping from an illusion to reality can lead an individual to be incapable of handling the staunch difference of the universe before and after; leading to extreme stress and confusion between what is real, and what isn’t. It could possibly drive Neo insane.

Red pill? Or Blue pill?

So which pill does Neo choose?

Neo is ready for transcendence. Knowledge of reality, trumps ignorance! He chooses the red pill, and suffers through mental trauma.

But, by forfeiting his ignorance, Neo transcends the illusion of the matrix. He is not the same individual. His understanding of the world has greatly increased.

He sacrifices part of his sanity to achieve the true perception of reality. He is now unlike most others in the matrix. He has gained the knowledge. He has transcended. And that, is his ultimate reward!


P.S: Want to watch the whole clip? Link below:



Varun Navale

“Everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. Your personality. What you believe in, and the way you feel. Life is art”- Helena Carter