When DSC entered my Life….

Navaneeth Manoj
2 min readFeb 4, 2018


I had already heard about Develepor Student Clubs a while ago, but hadn’t really tried to find out more about it. I actually didn’t think it was something that we, first year students could be a part of. Then ,I came to know that our senior Felix was conducting an Android workshop, and thus pave way for us to be a part of this. But unfortunately the seats were filled even before I thought of attending it. But again. the opportunity came in the form of a second workshop . This time I was excited after hearing the feedback from my friends who had attended the first one. And thus, I was sure to attend this one and booked my seat.

The workshop was conducted on 31st January and 1st February. On those two days, I learned several things . Though it took me all the time on Day 1 to setup Android studio on my laptop, and it left me frustrated; I actually was pleased with the result on Day 2. I had finally built a basic Android app (with so much help from Felix and others) and was able to launch it on my mobile. From the experience, I kinda learnt the art of Googling.

On 2nd February, we had an interactive session with Felix, which ended with a Meet-up-over-lime. He talked about his experiences on winning the google scholarship. What he said was very informative and thought-provoking. I realised that being a typical coder wasn’t just enough. We also had to network and socialise with people. Beginning to be a part of DSC , and being mentored by Felix , we were now going to get experienced in all of this.

Truly Excited……

