Aztec Warriors WhitePaper

Juan Navarro
5 min readJun 13, 2022



  2. LORE

Presione aqui para leer el libro blanco de los Guerreros Aztecas en Español

tezcatlipoca Warrior in a starry night


Your Guide to Tenochtitlan
May this guide help you better understand what the Aztec Empire is building!

Here is what you will find in this Whitepaper.
You will find everything from the Aztec Purpose, to where we are now, and where we strive to be in the future.

What is Tenochtitlan? pronounced [tenoːt͡ʃˈtit͡ɬan]
Tenochtitlan” is the capital of the Aztec Empire, it was built on a swampy island within Lake Texcoco. Located at the site of modern Mexico City, the city had a system of canals and causeways that supplied the hundreds of thousands of people who lived there between A.D. 1325 and 1521. The Aztec’s built-up islands where they could grow crops and the water served as a natural defense against attacks from other cities.

** Disclaimer **
This guide is an early iteration released by the Team. It is not final and may be subject to change in the future. Royalties will be 100% back to the project indefinitely!


What is the purpose of the Aztec Warriors NFT Collection?

The purpose of the Aztec Warriors is to help empower the Nahua and Latino communities through the Solana Network. We strive to achieve this by creating a metaverse that will be a realistic representation of Tenochtitlan. The Empire metaverse will give the world the opportunity to experience firsthand how beautiful the Aztec capital was at its peak. We also will be donating to help the Nauhtl language expand by funding more translations of the language.

Our main contribution will be creating the Aztec Empire Launchpad which will help Latinos launch their ideas/projects on the Solana Blockchain. We will build an ecosystem where artists can be paired up with founders and they can collaborate

Aztec Warriors is a collection of 888 2D NFTs — unique digital warriors residing on the Solana Blockchain. Your warrior is sworn into the inner city which grants access to the staking system to earn 10 Aztec tokens per day.

Each Aztec Warrior starts as an Empire Student, a ranking protocol that raises your yield as you spend Aztec tokens — higher rank = higher yield.

2 — LORE : Origin of Aztec Warriors

In the warm valley of central Mexico, the Aztec culture was born during the early 1300s. The primordial god Ometecuhtli who acted as husband and wife gave birth to the four major Aztec gods — Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Xipe Totec.

The Aztecs left their ancestral home of Aztlan at the order of their god Huitzilopochtli which led them to the island of Tenochtitlan, their new home located on Lake Texcoco. On a gloomy night, Tezcatlipoca used his black magic to create a portal in Lake Texcoco. A loud bang was heard underneath the lake, then a huge whirlpool started forming near the island of Tenochtitlan. The whirlpool grew larger and larger, swallowing everything in its path, eventually taking down the city of Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs were in shock as their beautiful island sank below the water when suddenly they were teleported through space and time into a new futuristic world in which they now reside, The SolanaVerse.

With one goal in mind, Tezcatlipoca created havoc and disorder within Tenochtitlan. Peace vanished overnight. There came the constant battle, the 4 Aztec Gods began to scheme and fight for power to rule the Island in the metaverse. Every AZTEC GOD will compete against one another to take over the empire of Tenochtitlan and be Emperor of this metaverse.


• Phase 1–2D Warriors

  • Distribute WL Tokens
  • Launch 2D Aztec Warriors
  • Set Up Rarity (Moonrank/Solrarity)
  • Set Up Sales/Listing Bot
  • Submit First Donation Contributions

• Phase 2 — Aztec Empire Staking

Staking will be ready as soon as possible, the team is projecting that it will be completed around 24 hours from launch. Every Warrior starts at the Empire Student (Rank). Rank up to earn a higher yield by spending Aztec Tokens or collecting Warriors.

• Phase 3–3D Warriors / Auction

  1. Launch 3D Warriors — These are the 3D models that will be used in Metaverse, every 2D NFT is a reservation to a Whitelist Spot for the 3D Launch. By holding a 2D Warrior you will be able to mint first and mint for less than the general public.
  2. Legendary Auction — 4 Animated 3D warriors will be auctioned, Owners of these Warriors will be given the LEGENDARY role, which gives them a higher yield of Aztec tokens, and will be granted into a private channel.

• Phase 4 — The Empire

  1. Empire Merch Contest — The team will be conducting an Empire Holder Merch Contest, chosen designs will be used in the Aztec Warriors official Apparel Launch. **We grant IP rights to every Aztec Warrior NFT holder** Therefore if your NFT makes it onto the Merch you will be compensated!
  2. Launch Aztec Philanthropy Aztec Ministry Donation, Start College Grant for Students studying Web3/STEM. One will be specifically for Nahua/Mexican Students the other will be open to all holders. With a lot more contributions to teams like Impulso STEM, IOScholorships & more!
  3. Launch The Empire — The Empire is the Space where the Warriors reside. The Aztec Empire has been worked on over the last few months and development will continue until it is stable enough for a holder beta release. This is where holders can interact with each other, attend coding bootcamps, seminars, and conferences. With more planned down the road.


Supply: 888
Mint: 1 SOL WL, 1.5 SOL PUBLIC
Date: June 24th 2022

100% of Royalties will be going back into the project Indefinitely!
- 50% will be directly allocated to our Treasury
- 50% will be received by the Community

Treasury: The Empire, Grants & Scholarships, Project Building

Community: Holder Splits, Giveaways, Airdrops

Legendary Auction:
- 40% will be received by Holders
- 60% will be donated to Aztec Ministry, Impulso STEM, IOScholarship & The Empire Scholars

Warrior Societies:

  • 1 — Empire Student (Entry Level) — x1 yield : 10 Aztec Tokens per Day
  • 2 — Tlamani AKA MANI (Two Warrior Faction) — x1.5 yield
  • 3 — Cuextecatl AKA CUEX (Three Warrior Faction) — x1.8 yield
  • 4 — Papalotl AKA PAPA (Four Warrior Faction) — x2 yield
  • 5 — Cuauhocelotl AKA CUA (Five Warrior Faction) — x2.5 yield
  • 6 — Otomies AKA OTO (10–20 Warrior Faction) — x3 yield

Use Aztec Tokens to promote your Warriors — Tokens will be burned upon upgrading your Faction

MANI = 140 Aztec Tokens

CUEX = 280 Aztec Tokens

PAPA = 420 Aztec Tokens

CUA= 560 Aztec Tokens

OTO = 840 Aztec Tokens

Organizations to Contribute to:
Aztec Ministry, Impulso STEM, IOScholarship

