Navasha Diaz
2 min read2 days ago

Intentions and reasons

Sometimes the reason why rules are adapting whilst because it's not responding though the actions of free will
Philosophical statement these days only focus on earthly matters most of the time but the more it's certain bout the hereafter one will be guided through islam
There a few chapters in surah Muhammad that's says Allah created the Qur'an for blessings and serenity
And the reason why most others disobey and want dunya faster is because their impatient and very struggling in short comings
Patients usually are the test for Muslims and if one heart are not assured to typical generousity
It's not uncommon to see most seeing entertainment as something that can accept determination while there are common that overthinking will cause deflated purpose
That's why Islam that accepted the halal purposes are for benefits ones health
Like for example pork are haram because it's contain contagious insects living within
Alcohol is haram in this dunya because of it's intoxicated
But halal in jannah named khamr with rivers of milk and honey in jannah
Usually people in the Western community prefer a lot of luxury because of their worldy behaviour already fits them stereotypes and why animation and dubs are commissioned
While others on realising real life don't want to accept how real are boring but it's not
Allah already says In the Qur'an that if a person follow the footsteps other than islam it's became raw and unacceptable
And specifically that works still available if it's for benefits or others
Have you ever wondered when someone says
" I'm not used to that I prefer having some leisure than study again because students studying almost 24 hours for exams" "
Don't stress bout school and this reminder for the reason why campus or high school had almost the same stereotype to being youthful but some students left or right being a geek will sound like something

Imagine if the one that study hard are focus on Akhirah compared studying just for dunya
It's okay to take hobbie but mindset and acceptance are what's specific not the action
That's why Allah is merciful when someone still lives and still can repent because someone are judge according to their intentions and not their actual Riya or stuff
But by sincerity

Navasha Diaz

female | 20s | college student | aesthetic lover