Top 5 programming language for kids

4 min readDec 31, 2021


as a parent you might have lot of queries what are the most popular programming languages which language to start with for my child
what is an appropriate age to start with any programming language

is it beneficial to start programming language at a very early stage how will it help to build a career of my child?

1) scratch

The number one we have scratch programming language scratch is a very simple and good language for the beginners .with scratch we can build games short stories,and powerful animations it’s an event based
drag and drop language but even can be anything like a start event a button click event a sprite click event a background change event and many more
it is simple but it is a very powerful language where all the major concepts of programming can be learned like variables operators control statements

2) html and css

at position 2 we have html and css both are used to build websites like facebook ,twitter . website that you see today on internet ,html and css is responsible for that . html stands for hypertext markup language which is used to build the core elements of any web page css stands for cascading style sheet which gives look and feel to any website maybe it
color border margin decoration or similar style to a website .well html and css are easy to start and easy to learn there is no particular software to be downloaded you can simply start coding on a notepad too or you can download softwares like notepad plus or sublime text, Microsoft code studio. you can also see the visual output which is very important when we are considering programming language for a kid


position 3 we have javascript language .javascript is the most popular front-end programming language if you see any analysis javascript stands at number one position in terms of its popularity with javascript you can have animation on the website
you can change images you can have form validation and many more for example if you on the click of an image
you want to change the color of the image you can do with javascript .you can do with has good frameworks and libraries
like jquery ,node.js ,angularjs and many more
finally javascript is very useful in building the logical skills in terms of programming .

4) python

at position 4 we have
python programming language well python is again a very popular and in demand programming language .
python has simple syntax and easy to use and powerful libraries like pandas, numpy ,matplotlib and many more talking about the application of python. python is used in artificial intelligence, machine learning ,robotics .
web applications and in the field of data science


at position 5 we have java programming is a very popular object-oriented programming language which follows the principle of oop that is object oriented program basically it reads the entire style of programming in terms of objects where every object has certain properties and certain functions talking about the features of java programming language java is robust secured with multi-threaded platform. applications of java is used in desktop-based applications web-based application
in field of robotics cloud-based applications distributed systems, gaming and also all major banking and investment applications are built using java .

Make your kids learn these 5 languages

