Naveera Liaquat
2 min readJun 14, 2024


Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. Acute bronchitis is a short-term inflammation of the bronchial tubes, usually caused by a respiratory infection, lasting a few weeks. Chronic bronchitis, a form of COPD, involves a persistent, productive cough lasting at least three months over two consecutive years, typically due to prolonged exposure to irritants like cigarette smoke.


  • Commonly cause by virus and rarely by bacteria
  • Acute bronchitis — — by viruses — — usually same virus as cold and flu
  • Chronic bronchitis — — by cigarette smoking, air pollution, dust, toxins
  • Gastric reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)


Smoking, Respiratory tract infections, Environmental pollutants — — Inflammation — — Bradykinin, Histamine, Prostaglandins — — increase permeability — — edema/leakage — — hypersecretion of mucus — — congestion — — persistent cough


As it is cause by the same virus as cold and flu let’s just consider their symptoms to make it easy

  • Runny nose, chills, fever, fatigue, body ache, headache, feeling “wiped out”, sore throat due to inflammation

Due to heavy mucus secretion

  • Congestion, cough, shortness of breath


  • Chest X-ray to reveal — — if pneumonia
  • Sputum tests — — that could be treated by anti-biotics (if bacterial infection is present) or it is tested for signs for — — allergies
  • Pulmonary function test by spirometer — — can reveal signs of asthma or emphysema


  • Single episode of bronchitis — — can rarely leads to pneumonia
  • Repeated bout of bronchitis — — may develop COPD (chronic bronchitis)


  • Bronchodilators — — Salbutamol, Albuterol
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs — — Corticosteroids — — Prednisolone
  • Anti-cholinergic — — that blocks acetylcholine neurotransmitter in CNS and PNS — — Atropine sulphate
  • Mast cell stabilizers — — Cromolyn sodium
  • Xanthine derivatives — — that relax smooth muscles + reduces inflammation — — Theophylline, Aminophylline


  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Nutritional therapy — — in the early stages of emphysema it is advised to lose weight — — reduces physical burden on lungs

While in late stages of emphysema — — many people need to gain weight — — as breathing becomes more difficult, muscles act as major reservoir of energy


  • Avoid smoking
  • Get vaccinated — — for influenza virus attack
  • Wash your hands — — for viral infections
  • Wear mask — — for dust and fumes prevention — — as they can cause chronic bronchitis

