Most Ludicrous Modern Paintings Sold for Millions!!!

Navera Suhail
3 min readApr 11, 2020
Photo: Pinterest

Modern paintings are turning weirder day by day. They’re sold so expensive only because of the name behind it. And if you ever want to buy one you might just have to sell your house. Looking at these painting we all can become painters and millionaires even our kids.

Blood Red Mirror by Gerhard Richter — $1.1 Million

Photo: Pinterest

This painting was sold by renowned German visual artist of our time for $1.1 million. I fail to see why this block of color on a mirror is sold so expensive.

Concetto spaziale, Attese by Lucio Fontano Cost of Painting: $1.5 million

Photo: Pinterest

This painting was sold by Lucio Fontano who’s an Italian painter and sculptor. Apparently he just made a few slots in the canvas so the viewers can imagine the space.

Untitled (1961) by Mark Rothko Cost of Painting: $28 million



Navera Suhail

Mom of a two little cuties. Like to paint and do crafts. Interested in arts, literature and parenting.