Bridging Assets on Sui 💧 — NAVI Onboarding Guide

NAVI Protocol
4 min readDec 4, 2023

DeFi can be complex, especially when trying to juggle different ecosystems.

To help you get around this initial hurdle, this guide will get you from A to Z on how to onboard to the Sui ecosystem and start using NAVI as a liquidity protocol.

Bridging Assets on Sui — Prerequisites

Before you start your bridging journey, there are a couple of prerequisites that will allow for smooth sailing in the process:

🔸 Own assets on one of the supported chains on the Wormhole Portal bridge to Sui.

🔸 Hold some of your originating chain’s gas fee tokens (ex. ETH, SOL, etc.)

🔸 A Sui-compatible wallet. You can choose one of our many ecosystem partners, including:

Once you have those details taken care of, you can get started with the next step.

Bridging Assets on Sui — Step-by-Step

To get started, first visit Visit the website and select “Bridge”.

This will guide you to the Wormhole Portal bridge app. Once on that page:

1️⃣ In the home Tab, connect your Source Wallet. In our case, it’s an Ethereum Metamask wallet

2️⃣ Connect your wallet, and select your originating network. In this example, we will be using USDT on Ethereum, which means that you will need some ETH for gas.

3️⃣ Once your wallet is connected, the bridge will detect your assets and allow you to select the desired amount.

Select the desired amount to bridge over to Sui. Here, we are bridging USDT from Ethereum.

4️⃣ In the second tab, connect your Sui-compatible wallet where you wish to receive your USDT.

[Optional Step]

Once you’ve selected the assets, the Wormhole app will provide you with additional options. For instance, by checking the box “Native Gas” you can choose to receive some Sui after you bridge, deducted from your USDT.

⛽ This will allow first-comers to get some #Sui for gas fees and allow them to interact with the NAVI protocol immediately.

Once happy with your choice, click on “Approve and proceed with transaction”

5️⃣ The Bridge app will show you the progress of your bridging transaction.

Depending on the activity on the network, your assets should be available on Sui within 10–15 minutes.

Now that you have both Sui and USDT, let’s go back to our NAVI app.

🗒️ Remember, this process will work with any of the supported assets on Sui, from different blockchains. This means that you can bridge in USDC or USDT from other chains and plug them into NAVI.

Utilizing Bridged Assets on NAVI — Supplying Liquidity

Once you have bridged some assets on the Sui blockchain, you can start interacting with NAVI Protocol.

NAVI is a lending and borrowing platform, meaning that you can supply liquidity to start accumulating high amounts of APY for your liquidity. Here’s how to get started with the USDT you just bridged from Ethereum:

1️⃣ Connect your wallet to NAVI and select “Supply USDT” to get started.

2️⃣ In the right panel, select the amount of USDT you want to supply, and click on the button below to confirm.

3️⃣ Once the transactions are approved, your liquidity should be registered within seconds!

Your assets will immediately start accumulating rewards from the protocol for the service you just provided.

You can manage and claim them on the Reward Page, which we extensively covered in a previous Medium post.


This completes the beginning of your DeFi journey on Sui and NAVI!

In our next guide, we will show you how to borrow funds against the liquidity collateral you just supplied and how to repay your loans.

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NAVI Protocol

Leading Lending + LSDefi on Sui. Backed by OKX Ventures, Dao5 and Hashed