Pulse x Nearpad IDO successfull!

Life Hacker
2 min readOct 15, 2021


Pulse successfully completed the IDO stage on Nearpad.

The community gathered $ 1.25 million in less than 24 hours.

Now the snapshot of the wallers who participated in IDO is completed. Since the fees on a commission to ETH were quite high, Pulse will make Eyrrope for all IDO participants to compensate for the spent commission for participation. Detailed information can be found in the official channels of the pulse.

Next, they will work towards Eirrop $ Pulse to the early parties, which actively use the impulse in its first days. The competitive details relating to this event will be set forth in the official medium channel, so watch carefully.

As soon as we do this, we will take the following steps to get the $ PULSE token listed in DEx so that users who skipped on IDO can still purchase pulse tokens. Next comes the best part — construction!

The impulse is looking to expand its technical, designer and public teams to help deliver the next era of impulse markets. Pulse V2 will include an improved user interface / UX, updated Oracle Infra via @fluxprotocol and additional platform functions. If you are interested in becoming part of the pulse team and / or the contribution to the Dao, be in search of upcoming messages of Middle and Twitter regarding open positions, clicks and hakaton.

We want to take advantage of this opportunity to give a special thank you @Nearpad The team for all their support during our IDO and the provision of infrastructure and community support for the event. We also want to give special thanks @fluxprotocol Family and Freetellers to support first evening to use their Oracle. We are a great honor to have a community of stream of our side and maintaining the construction of projects on their Oracle.

Source: https://twitter.com/pulsemarkets


Pulse Website: https://pulsemarket.eth.link/#!/
Pulse Twitter: https://twitter.com/pulsemarkets
Pulse Telegram: https://t.me/pulsemarkets

Flux Protocol Website: https://www.fluxprotocol.org/
Flux Protocol Twitter: https://twitter.com/fluxprotocol
Flux Protocol Telegram: https://t.me/fluxprotocol

