From Chaos to Consistency: My Single-Step Approach to a Better Me

Nilakshi Das
2 min readApr 9, 2024


Three years ago, I would have laughed if you told me I’d be a consistent gym-goer. I was the person who scoffed at New Year’s resolutions and rolled my eyes at self-improvement plans. But deep down, I knew something had to change.

Like many, I believed that to be consistent, I needed to transform every aspect of my life overnight. But that’s like trying to climb a mountain in one leap — impossible and overwhelming. The truth is, we’re creatures of efficiency; evolution has wired us to conserve energy for survival. And while we’re not outrunning wild animals anymore, that instinct to save energy persists.

Many attempts in my past had failed. So, this time I took a different approach.

I chose one area to focus on: fitness.

Identifying My Focus

I began by identifying why I wanted to become consistent with my workouts. The ‘why’ is crucial — it’s the fuel for your journey. For me, it was about mobility and independence. I saw family members struggle with simple movements, and I wanted more for myself. I wanted to enjoy hikes and travel without the fear of being held back by my physical condition.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Next, I set up my environment to support this new goal. I arranged my workout clothes the night before, filled my water bottle, and placed my shoes by the door. These small steps reduced resistance and made it easier to get to the gym each morning.

Embracing the Ups and Downs

I acknowledged that there would be tough days. On those days, instead of forcing myself to the gym, I’d go for a walk. It was about showing up in some way, rather than not at all.

Celebrating Milestones

I celebrated every effort, no matter how small. On certain days, showing up at the gym twice a week was a victory, while on others, taking a slightly longer walk — especially when I didn’t feel like it — was a success. I tracked my progress, and today, I can proudly say I’ve been to the gym 40% of the days in the last three years. For someone who never used to exercise, that’s a big deal.

Changing My Identity

This journey has reshaped my identity. I no longer see myself as inconsistent. I am a consistent and fit person, and this new habit has spilled over into other areas of my life.

Consistency doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s about focusing on one thing at a time and building from there. If I can do it, so can you. Start small, stay focused, and watch as your life transforms, one consistent step at a time.

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Instagram and Twitter: thenilakshidas


