What is the Angular ecosystem, and how does versioning work in Angular?

Naveen Kumar K G
4 min readJul 24, 2023

The Angular ecosystem refers to the collection of tools, libraries, and resources that support and enhance Angular development. As Angular is a comprehensive framework, its ecosystem provides developers with a rich set of resources to build, test, optimize, and scale their applications effectively.

  1. Angular CLI (Command Line Interface): The Angular CLI is a powerful command-line tool that simplifies project creation, scaffolding, and development tasks. It helps developers generate components, services, modules, and other artifacts, as well as perform tasks like testing, building, and deploying applications.
npm i -g @angular/cli  Install latest version
ng -v  check your CLI version
ng --help  show all commands in terminal
ng doc (component)  open Angular documentation

Main Commands
ng new ng new myApp create a new project
ng serve ng s -o compile and open
ng generate ng g create new component/route/service
ng build ng b build for deployment in dist folder
ng test test spec files
ng e2e ng e end-to-end tests
ng lint ng l run linting
ng update identify dependencies to update
ng add add libraries like Material

Common Flags
All --help list flags (new/s/g)
All --dry-run -d show potential file changes
New --skip-tests -S no spec files
New --skip-install don't install dependencies
New --prefix -p ng prefix for all selectors
New --skip-git -g don't add git
New --style scss set up using SASS
New --routing generates routing module
Serve -prod run from production
Serve -open -o opens in browser

ng update
ng update @angular/core update core/rxJS/TScript
ng update @angular/material update Material

Yarn vs NPM
Enable Yarn ng config -g cli.packageManager yarn
Enable NPM ng config -g cli.packageManager npm

2. Angular Material: Angular Material is a UI component library based on Google’s Material Design guidelines. It provides a set of pre-built, customizable components like buttons, forms, dialogs, and data tables that developers can use to create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces.

3. RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript): RxJS is a library for reactive programming in JavaScript. It is heavily used within Angular for handling asynchronous operations, managing data streams, and handling events in a more elegant and functional way.

4. NgRx: NgRx is a popular state management library for Angular applications, implementing the Redux pattern. It helps manage complex application states, making it easier to share data and handle interactions across components.

5. Angular Universal: Angular Universal enables server-side rendering (SSR) of Angular applications. SSR improves the initial loading time and SEO performance of applications, enhancing the user experience.

6. Angular Router: The Angular Router is an essential part of the ecosystem, providing the functionality to handle navigation and routing within an Angular application. It allows users to move between different views and components without a full-page reload.

7. Testing Utilities: Angular provides robust testing utilities like TestBed and Jasmine for writing unit tests and end-to-end tests, ensuring application reliability and quality.

Versioning in Angular follows semantic versioning (SemVer), represented as Major.Minor.Patch. Major versions may introduce breaking changes, while Minor versions bring new features and improvements, and Patch versions include bug fixes and minor updates.

For example, a version like 12.3.0 would indicate that it is the 12th major release, with additional features and improvements in the 3rd minor release and no additional patches applied. Regularly updating to the latest version of Angular helps developers benefit from the latest features, security enhancements, and bug fixes within the Angular ecosystem.



Naveen Kumar K G

👋 @navin_kg | Web Developer 🌐 | Angular Enthusiast 🚀 | Sharing insights on Web concepts. Let's learn and grow together! 💡📚