We’re going to the Auggies.

2 min readApr 24, 2018


…and you should too! Vote for us here.

The Navisens team is excited to announce that we’ll be heading to the 2018 Augmented World Expo, the World’s #1 AR+VR Conference and Expo.

Why is Navisens so great for augmented reality?

So many AR applications and hardware like Bose’s new AR glasses struggle greatly with the accuracy of their location. What they need are location services that are going to work wherever users go, whenever users want, without requiring them to install a heavy load of infrastructure.

Q: What is a self-contained, infrastructure-less, efficient location technology?

We’re glad you asked.

Navisens location technology is both self-contained, and infrastructure-less. This means we work indoors and outdoors, in all settings and lighting conditions. We don’t even need your camera which makes us a great deal less taxing on your battery.

That’s right — no beacons, no wifi. If you ever had concerns of bad connection disrupting your user experience, you can put those worries aside. We even work in airplane mode.

How does this work? To put a long story short, our motionDNA algorithm works with the low-cost sensors in your smartphone to derive a location. Because we function off the sensors, we get extremely detailed information on your movement and can determine if the user is standing, walking, or “fidgeting” in the same spot. We’re also incredibly accurate with altitude. Check us out:

  • Seamless indoor and outdoor location
  • Location without Wi-Fi, beacons, of GPS
  • Works in-hand, in-pocket, no camera required
  • Real time 3D location
  • Hyper accurate, low-powered location

Like our tech? Let us know here by voting us for the prestigious Auggies award at AWE!

Also, try out our in browser demo here and comment below what you’d do with our technology — we’d love to hear your ideas. Our SDK can be embedded into any host application to unlock hyper accurate location. Here are some possible applications of our technology:

We look forward to seeing you at AWE! Our entire team will be there to answer any questions and tell you about our location services.




Next Generation Location. Indoors, outdoors & underground. No WiFi. No GPS. No beacons. Bloomberg Business Top 50 Startup of 2017