Predictive Analysis of Heart Stroke

Navleen Kaur Ghai
4 min readJan 30, 2024


The number one cause of death globally is proven to be by heart strokes. It is estimated that it takes about 17.9 million lives every year.

A stroke happens when blood stops flowing to any part of your brain, damaging brain cells. The effects of a stroke depend on the part of the brain that was damaged and the amount of damage done.

The heart attacks are usually caused by Cardiovascular disease but there are many other factors that contributes to higher risk of heart attacks which includes smoking, unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol , no exercise or other physical activity and many other factors.

Do you know, 80% Heart strokes are preventable?, yes they are. By starting a healthy lifestyle and develop healthy eating habits, a person can reduce the risk of heart attack.

Question1 : Does smoking has an impact on heart strokes?

How Smoking Status can Impact the Heart Strokes

Link: Predictive _Analysis_Of_Heart_Stroke_Smoking_Status | Tableau Public

As we can see in the above graph that people who formerly smoked are at a higher risk of getting a heart stroke than the ones who often smoke.

But, smoking is not the only factor that contributes to a person’s probability to have a heart stroke because as we can see in the graph above that even the non smokers have 97.62% chance of having a heart stroke. Maybe because there are so many other reasons that increase our risk of having a heart stroke like no exercise or outdoor activity , not eating healthy etc.

Question2 : What type of work contributes towards a higher chance of getting a heart stroke?

How different Work Type can Impact the Heart Strokes

Link: Predictive _Analysis_Of_Heart_Stroke_Work_type | Tableau Public

Now, in the above graph we can analyze that the people who are Self Employed have significantly higher chance of getting a stroke than the people who work in private jobs or the ones in Government jobs.

The reason is because of there is a high stress level in being self employed than the rest of the other jobs. The people in Private jobs and Government jobs are at lesser risk . Children are at lowest risk of getting a heart stroke.

Question 3: Does gender matter in a heart stroke? If yes, what is the probability of stroke when they are married?

Impact of Gender and Marital status on Heart Stroke

Link: Predictive _Analysis_Of_Heart_Stroke | Tableau Public

Through the above graph, we can analyze that married women have a higher chance of getting stroke than the married men. Women’s bodies are not the same as men’s and stroke affects them differently — and more severely — at different stages of life.

Also, it is clear from the above statistics that the married people have a higher probability of getting a stroke than the unmarried people irrespective of their gender.

Question 4: How does a person’s Hypertension and Glucose level matter in a heart stroke?

Impact of Glucose Level and Hypertension on Heart Stroke

Link: Predictive _Analysis_Of_Heart_Hypertension_Glucose_Level | Tableau Public

In the above graph , we can see that people with high Glucose level and and high Hypertension are at highest risk of getting a heart stroke.

With low Glucose level and low hypertension, the probability of getting a heart stroke is less. This is important for people to have a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy.

Tools used in the above analysis-

1. Tableau

Dataset used in the above analysis-


Dashboard of Predictive Stroke Analysis

Link: Predictive _Analysis_Of_Heart_Stroke_Dashboard | Tableau Public

Conclusion: The above analysis conclude that married women are at a higher risk of getting stroke. Also, people who have formerly smoked and the ones who have high glucose level and hypertension have a significantly higher chance of getting a heart stroke. People who are self employed have a higher risk of getting a stroke than the ones who work at private and government jobs.

Therefore, it is very important for people irrespective of their gender, work type or age to have a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. One should avoid foods with high sugar and fats, rather make a switch to a healthy diet that is rich in nutrients.

Thanks for reading!!!

Navleen Kaur Ghai

