Measuring Performance in RxJS: Unlocking Insights for Reactive Applications

Navneet Singh
3 min readJun 21, 2023

When building reactive applications with RxJS, it’s essential to ensure optimal performance. The ability to measure and analyze the performance of your RxJS code helps identify bottlenecks, optimize resource utilization, and enhance overall application responsiveness. In this article, we will explore techniques for measuring performance in RxJS, empowering you to gain insights into the execution time of your reactive pipelines. We will dive into practical code examples to demonstrate how you can effectively measure and analyze the performance of your RxJS applications.

Using One of the simplest ways to measure performance in RxJS is by utilizing the method, available in most modern browsers. By capturing the start and end timestamps of your RxJS pipeline, you can calculate the elapsed time and gain insights into the execution duration.

import { interval } from 'rxjs';

const startTime =;

// Your RxJS pipeline here

const endTime =;
const elapsed = endTime - startTime;

console.log('Execution time:', elapsed, 'milliseconds');

In the above code snippet, we use to capture the start time before your RxJS pipeline begins, and the end time after the pipeline completes. By subtracting the start time from the end time, we obtain the elapsed time in milliseconds, which provides a rough measurement of the execution duration.

Utilizing the rxjs-spy library: Another powerful tool for measuring performance in RxJS is the rxjs-spy library. This library allows you to instrument your RxJS code to capture detailed information about the execution, including emission timestamps, operator execution time, and more.

To get started with rxjs-spy, install the library using npm or yarn:

npm install rxjs-spy

Once installed, you can use the spy function to instrument your RxJS pipeline and gather performance-related information:

import { spy, use, operators } from 'rxjs-spy';
import { interval } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

// Configure rxjs-spy to gather operator execution times

const observable = interval(1000).pipe(
map((value) => value * 2)

// Instrument the observable with rxjs-spy
const instrumentedObservable = spy(observable);


// Access the collected performance information
const operatorExecutions = instrumentedObservable.spy().operators;


In the above example, we configure rxjs-spy to track operator execution times by calling use(operators()). Then, we use the spy function to instrument the observable with rxjs-spy, capturing performance-related data during its execution. Finally, we can access the collected information through the spy().operators property, which contains the execution times of each operator in the pipeline.

Leveraging browser developer tools: Modern web browsers offer powerful developer tools that allow you to analyze and measure the performance of your RxJS applications. You can leverage tools like the Performance API, Performance Profiler, and Timeline to gain detailed insights into the execution timeline, resource utilization, and potential performance bottlenecks.

For example, in Google Chrome, you can access the Performance tab in the developer tools to record and analyze the performance of your application. You can start recording, execute your RxJS code, and stop recording to obtain a detailed timeline of events, including the duration of your RxJS operations.

Measuring performance in RxJS is crucial for optimizing the efficiency and responsiveness of your reactive applications.

