Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: Exploring the Concept of God as the Eternal Energy

Navneet Singh
3 min readJan 13, 2024


In the vast tapestry of human belief systems, the concept of God has transcended cultural and religious boundaries, evoking contemplation and inquiry throughout the ages. Beyond the confines of theological dogmas, some seekers find solace in envisioning God as an eternal energy, a force that predates time itself and persists beyond the eventual demise of the universe.

God as the Primordial Energy

This perspective posits God as an omnipresent energy that existed before the inception of time and will endure even after the universe ceases to exist. It is conceptualized as the life force inherent in all living beings, a cosmic essence that binds every particle of the cosmos together.

Life Force and Atman

Often referred to as the life force, this cosmic energy is believed to reside within each living being, akin to the Hindu concept of Atman or Atma. Atman is the innermost essence of an individual, distinct from the ego and materialistic aspects of human nature. Just as rust may conceal the true nature of iron, the materialistic pursuits, greed, and worldly attachments of individuals may shroud the divine essence within.

The Detachment Dilemma

Modern life, with its myriad distractions and the pursuit of material wealth, often leads individuals to drift further away from their inner selves and the divine energy within. The constant clamor for external validation and the relentless chase after worldly desires create a separation between the individual and the eternal energy that lies dormant within.

Meditation as the Path to Reconnection

In the quest to bridge this gap and rediscover the latent divinity, many spiritual traditions advocate for meditation as a powerful tool. By silencing the external noise and turning inward, individuals can embark on a journey to reconnect with the cosmic energy that permeates their being.

Meditation, a Time-Honored Practice

Meditation is not a novel concept; it has been embraced by diverse cultures and religious traditions for centuries. The ancient sages and mystics across different civilizations have employed meditation as a means to transcend the limitations of the material world and commune with the divine.

Steps to Meeting the Divine Energy

  1. Quiet the Mind: Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable space. Sit or lie down, allowing your body to relax.
  2. Focus on Breath: Concentrate on your breath, observing each inhalation and exhalation. This mindfulness technique helps in calming the mind and promoting inner stillness.
  3. Go Inward: As the mind settles, turn your attention inward. Imagine peeling away the layers of material concerns, revealing the core of your being where the divine energy resides.
  4. Visualize the Cosmic Energy: Envision the cosmic energy surrounding you, permeating every cell of your being. Feel the interconnectedness with the eternal energy that exists beyond the confines of time and space.
  5. Mantras and Affirmations: Incorporate mantras or affirmations that resonate with your spiritual beliefs. Repeat them softly, letting the vibrations resonate within you.
  6. Practice Regularly: Consistency is key. Regular meditation cultivates a deeper connection with the divine energy within, gradually dissolving the barriers created by worldly distractions.


In exploring the concept of God as an eternal energy, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and reconnection with our innermost essence. As the rust of materialism fades away, the divine energy within each of us begins to shine forth. Through the practice of meditation, we can peel away the layers of detachment and greed, ultimately unveiling the cosmic essence that transcends time itself. In the silence of meditation, we may find the key to meeting the eternal energy that has been, is, and always will be.

