Enhancing FastAPI Swagger Documentation with Tags

Navneet Singh
2 min readFeb 14, 2024


Swagger UI is an invaluable tool for API developers, providing interactive documentation that simplifies understanding and usage of API endpoints. FastAPI, a modern Python web framework for building APIs, seamlessly integrates Swagger UI to automatically generate API documentation. However, as projects grow in complexity, organizing endpoints within Swagger becomes crucial for developers and consumers alike. In this article, we’ll explore how to leverage tags in FastAPI to enhance Swagger documentation, improving readability and usability.

Understanding Swagger Tags: Tags in Swagger provide a way to categorize and group API endpoints, making it easier to navigate and comprehend the API documentation. By assigning tags to endpoints, developers can organize related functionalities logically. For instance, in a blogging application, tags like “Posts”, “Users”, and “Comments” can group endpoints related to managing blog posts, user profiles, and comments respectively.

Adding Tags to FastAPI Endpoints: FastAPI simplifies the process of adding tags to endpoints using the tags parameter within the router functions. Let's consider a simple example of defining a FastAPI endpoint with tags:

from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter

app = FastAPI()

router = APIRouter()

@router.get("/items/", tags=["Items"])
async def read_items():
return {"message": "Read all items"}


In this example, the /items/ endpoint is associated with the "Items" tag, allowing it to be grouped under the "Items" category in Swagger UI.

Grouping Endpoints with Tags: As projects grow, organizing endpoints becomes essential for maintaining clarity and usability. FastAPI allows developers to group related endpoints using tags effectively. By assigning the same tag to multiple endpoints, developers can create logical groupings within Swagger UI. Here’s an example illustrating how to group endpoints using tags:

@router.get("/items/{item_id}", tags=["Items"])
async def read_item(item_id: int):
return {"message": f"Read item {item_id}"}

@router.post("/items/", tags=["Items"])
async def create_item():
return {"message": "Create a new item"}

@router.get("/users/{user_id}", tags=["Users"])
async def read_user(user_id: int):
return {"message": f"Read user {user_id}"}

In this example, endpoints related to managing items are grouped under the “Items” tag, while endpoints related to user management are grouped under the “Users” tag.

Enhancing Swagger UI with Tag Groupings: By default, FastAPI automatically generates Swagger documentation with endpoints grouped by tags. However, developers can further enhance the organization by customizing the display of tags in Swagger UI. FastAPI provides additional options for configuring tag metadata, such as description and external documentation links, improving the usability of API documentation.

Conclusion: Tags play a crucial role in organizing and enhancing Swagger documentation in FastAPI. By strategically assigning tags to endpoints, developers can improve the readability and usability of API documentation, making it easier for both developers and consumers to understand and interact with the API. Leveraging tags effectively empowers developers to create well-structured and intuitive API documentation that facilitates efficient API consumption and development workflows.

