How to build a career in QA Automation?

3 min readApr 2, 2023


QA Automation Guide

Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

What is meant by Automation in Software Testing?

When we build an application an end to end testing should be necessary before launching a product/website.

Manual testing: We will be testing manually from launching a website from a browser to signing out from a website by preparing test cases.

  1. Test case preparation.
  2. Test case scenarios.
  3. Expected / Actual Results.

We will be doing different types of testing like Browser testing(Buttons clicking, Entering the values in input boxes, Rendering, and Scrolling ). and if it is not working as expected we will raise a bug and assign it to developers.

In a few scenarios like when a new feature is added, or a Bug/Defect is solved we need to check the entire application, it should affect the normal flow of an application.

It is a time-consuming process for a person to check everything. So we are going for automating the complete process (End—End Testing) by just performing clicking a button all the test cases will run within seconds.

Manual vs Automation

Where to start to become an Automation Engineer?

  1. Hands-on an IDE:

Manual testers usually use DOC, and Excel for preparing Test scenarios same wise, will use An IDE is an Integrated Development Environment where we write code, and debug easily.

Some of the free IDEs are used in the market: IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse.

IDE Tools

2. Learn any Programming Language:

It is mandatory to learn any one of the programming languages like Java(Core Java), Python, C#, Kotlin, JavaScript, etc.

A few open source websites are: W3schools, FreecodeCamp, JavaTpoint

Programming Languages

3. Learn Test automation tools.

We need to learn any one of the Test Automation tools like Selenium, Cypress, Appium(Web and Mobile), etc.

Automation Tools

4. Know about the Test Automation Frameworks.

Test Automation framework helps us to follow some procedures as a suite from beginning to end.

A few are Data Driven, Test Driven, Keyword Driven, Page Object Model, Behaviour Data Driven(Cucumber), Rest Assured API Testing, and TestNG.

Automation Framework

5. Learn Source code management Tool

We need to learn some basics of commands of any Source code management tool for committing, pulling, and pushing a code like Github, or Gitlab.

Source Code Management Tools

6. Learn about Cloud services:

When we write test cases they should integrate and run on pipelines automatically like Azure, and AWS.

Cloud providers

Free Online Videos Websites are Youtube, Udemy(free videos), and Linkedin Learning(Premium).

All the Best! Keep Learning 😇

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