How to Remove Amazon FBA Hijackers: Safeguarding Your Brand and Sales

5 min readJul 20, 2023


Amazon’s Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) program has revolutionized e-commerce for sellers, offering convenience and global reach. However, one of the challenges that sellers may encounter is the presence of hijackers on their product listings. These unauthorized sellers can undercut prices, tarnish your brand reputation, and cause a decline in sales. In this informative blog, we’ll explore how to remove Amazon FBA hijackers and protect your brand’s integrity and sales.

Monitor Your Listings Regularly

Vigilance is key to detecting hijackers early on. Regularly monitor your product listings to identify any unauthorized sellers. Amazon provides tools and notifications to help you keep track of changes in your listings, including the addition of new sellers.

Check Seller Information and History

Investigate the hijackers’ seller information and history. Assess their ratings, feedback, and overall performance on Amazon. Low ratings, negative feedback, or a short selling history may indicate unreliable sellers, giving you leverage when reporting them to Amazon.

Contact Hijackers Directly

Attempt to resolve the issue by communicating directly with the hijackers. Politely inform them that their presence on your listing is unauthorized and ask them to remove their offers. Sometimes, misunderstandings or genuine mistakes occur, and a direct conversation can lead to a resolution.

Issue Cease and Desist Letters

If direct communication fails, consider sending a formal cease and desist letter to the hijackers. This letter should assert your rights as the brand owner and demand that they stop selling your products immediately. Often, this legal approach can be enough to deter hijackers from continuing their unauthorized activities.

Utilize Amazon’s Reporting Mechanism

Amazon has specific policies in place to address hijackers and protect sellers from unauthorized selling. Utilize the “Report a Violation” feature on Amazon Seller Central to report the hijackers. Provide evidence, such as invoices, trademarks, or brand registry information, to support your claim. Amazon takes intellectual property rights seriously and will investigate your report.

Enroll in Amazon’s Brand Registry Program

Enrolling your brand in Amazon’s Brand Registry program enhances your ability to protect your products from hijackers. Brand Registry allows you to access powerful tools to monitor and protect your brand, including automated protections and enhanced reporting options.

Seek Legal Action if Necessary

In extreme cases where Amazon FBM hijackers persist despite your efforts, consider seeking legal assistance. Consult with an intellectual property attorney who specializes in e-commerce and Amazon-related issues. They can guide you through the process of enforcing your rights and taking appropriate legal action against the hijackers.

Dealing with Amazon FBA hijackers can be a challenging and frustrating experience for sellers. However, with vigilance, proactive monitoring, and the right strategies, you can effectively remove unauthorized sellers from your product listings. By safeguarding your brand’s integrity and maintaining control over your listings, you can continue to thrive as an Amazon seller and provide your customers with a consistent and reliable shopping experience.

Safeguarding Your Amazon Business: A Step-by-Step Guide to Remove FBA Hijackers

As an Amazon seller, you’ve invested time and effort in building your brand and establishing a strong presence in the competitive marketplace. However, a common challenge faced by many sellers is dealing with unauthorized sellers, also known as FBA hijackers, who may take advantage of your product listings. How to remove Amazon FBA hijackers? These hijackers can negatively impact your sales, reputation, and customer trust. We’ll provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you effectively remove Amazon FBA hijackers and protect your business.

Step 1: Confirm Unauthorized Sellers

Before taking action, thoroughly investigate your product listings to identify the presence of FBA hijackers. Review the “Sold by” section on your product detail page and cross-reference it with your authorized seller list. If you find any unauthorized sellers, note down their names and seller IDs.

Step 2: Attempt Direct Communication

In some cases, FBA hijackers may be unaware that they are selling unauthorized products. Reach out to them through Amazon’s messaging system with a polite and professional message. Clearly state that their presence on your listing is unauthorized and request that they remove their offers. Include evidence of your ownership, such as invoices or trademark registration, to support your claim.

Step 3: Issue Cease and Desist Notices

If direct communication proves ineffective, consider sending a formal cease and desist notice to the FBA hijackers. This letter should be drafted by a legal professional and assert your intellectual property rights. Clearly state that you demand the immediate removal of their offers from your product listings. Cease and desist letters can often deter unauthorized sellers from continuing their activities.

Step 4: Report Violations to Amazon

Utilize Amazon’s “Report a Violation” feature to formally report the FBA hijackers to Amazon. Provide detailed information about the violation, including the names and seller IDs of the unauthorized sellers, evidence of your ownership, and any communications you’ve had with the hijackers. Amazon takes these reports seriously and will investigate the matter.

Step 5: Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry

If you haven’t already done so, enroll your brand in Amazon’s Brand Registry program. Brand Registry provides additional tools and protections to help you prevent and remove unauthorized sellers. Through this program, you can create a unique product identifier, access automated protections, and benefit from enhanced reporting options.

Step 6: Monitor and Follow Up

Continuously monitor your product listings and take swift action against any new FBA hijackers that may emerge. Regularly check for unauthorized sellers and repeat the reporting process as necessary. Amazon’s Brand Registry program can help automate some of these monitoring tasks for you.

Step 7: Seek Legal Assistance (If Needed)

If hijackers persist despite your efforts, consider seeking legal assistance from an attorney with experience in Amazon-related issues. They can advise you on further legal actions, including sending formal legal notices and pursuing legal remedies to protect your brand.


Dealing with Amazon FBA hijackers can be a challenging process, but with a systematic approach and persistence, you can effectively remove hijackers from Amazon from your product listings. By safeguarding your brand and maintaining control over your listings, you can protect your business, preserve customer trust, and continue to thrive as a successful Amazon seller. Remember, staying vigilant and taking prompt action are essential to maintaining a strong and reputable presence on the Amazon marketplace.




An Amazon hijacker is a term for a third party seller or distributor who jumps on a private label product