Vapor Lanes + Bandcamp = 100% ACLU

2 min readFeb 2, 2017


Hey y’all, just wanted to write up a quick note here on this.

If you’re an avid Bandcamp user like I am, you’ve probably heard by now that they are taking the bold, important move of donating 100% of their share of album purchases to the ACLU tomorrow (Friday). Here’s their blog post on it, speaking out on the unconstitutional, discriminatory actions of the Trump administration against immigrants, refugees, and Muslims.

I stand firmly with them, and will be donating 100% of my music, recorded under the name Vapor Lanes, to the ACLU as well. The labels I’ve released music on, 1) Usonian, and 2) Big Sleep, are likewise donating 100% of their catalogs’ proceeds to the ACLU. This is your chance to stock up on anything from my physical and digital catalog, including my vinyl release from Oct. 2016, my cassette release from Feb. 2016, the drone compilation cassette I organized last year, and much more, with all funds to fight back against the horrifying policies that are hurting our families, our friends, and us on such a personal level.

Here are over 150 labels that are likewise donating 100%. Let’s make this Bandcamp’s single biggest day in sales.

For a taste of my music, here’s a just-released trailer for a film series at the ICA London, featuring my commissioned music.

Since my releases are scattered around a bit, here are the relevant links:

Hieratic Teen (Oct. 2016) —my first vinyl release, my second non-self-released full-length, and my first album that really brooks no compromise in delivering dense, oneiric, raw synthesizer drone/noise/ambience. It’s all of a piece, with a loose concept around the formation of a spiritual being. I’m proud of this one, so don’t sleep. The vinyl record is a piece of art, with striking blues and pinks, and cloudy process photography from Rachel Gurchin. $15 vinyl / $7 digital.

A Thin Film (Feb. 2016) — cassette release of a full-length album I spent two years working on. With gorgeous artwork from Kirstie Shanley (photography for Pitchfork and many other publications). Veers from raw oscillator drone to ebullient dance meltdowns to walls of sound with pre-verbal wails… $6.

Now That’s What Your Parents Call Drone (Feb. 2016) — a compilation released on cassette, where drone meets adult contemporary classics. Listen to C. Vadi transform George Michael’s “Careless Whisper” into a hushed reverie, Neil Jendon’s elegaic “I’m Not In Love”, yours truly’s take on Vanessa Williams’ “Save the Best For Last” with primitive caterwauls, and more. $6.

Vapor Lanes’ bandcamp page — more to explore here. 4 EPs, 2 full-lengths at the moment. Buy this whole digital discography (excluding Hieratic Teen) for $15 (25% off).

Thanks, keep your spirits up, and don’t stop fighting.

