How to control Emotions

3 min readAug 30, 2021


Dealing with emotions is a matter of choice. Do you want it or not? Far has been printed about emotions and how to practice them successfully, but many persons cannot control this zone of ​​life. Why? Dealing with emotions effectively is actually like developing a skill or a habit. It is a way to do something better, and as human beings we are the ones who struggle most with change.

Changing the method, you usually do things is not easy and is even extra hard when it comes to emotions. When we feel “emotional”, the last thing we want to do is calm down and try to handle the situation proactively; above all, we want to scold what is bothering us.

When we comprehend a little well how our emotions work, we can utilize this data to our benefit much better. Knowing to control your emotions can be one of the greatest skills you will advance in your life. Your emotions lead to the actions you do and therefore create the life you are living right now, every part of it.

Our emotional part of the brain, the limbic system, is one of the oldest parts compared to the prefrontal cortex, which is our “thinking” part. As our emotional part is so old and consequently an very strong portion of the brain, it is logical that we sense that our emotions sometimes control us and divert our thinking. The emotional part of the average human brain is more than six billion times more active than the prefrontal cortex.

The bottom line is that your emotions naturally outweigh your thinking, of course, but there are still ways to deal with them.

To keep things simple, let’s see what you can do to change the situation. Ignoring, suppressing or not dealing with emotions will bite you again! Stress and anxiety come from pent-up emotions. So if you think it will work to deal with your emotions while ignoring them, you are completely wrong.

Here are four simple steps to effectively control your emotions.

1. The first step is consciousness

If you are not aware of times when you are overly emotional or overreacting, how can you try to deal with them? It is impossible. Start monitoring your emotions and naming them. Sometimes we have a hard time knowing how we are doing. If we give it a name, we will better understand what is important for the next step.

2. Discover the “why” in your emotions

Once you realize what you are feeling, you will know why you are feeling it. What causes this feeling in you? Of course, there can be a many explanations, and to discover out, you have to inquire yourself as a friend, “What’s wrong?” Why do I feel this? Your head is always looking for an answer.

For the most part, the way you think about the situation makes you feel that it is. Another big reason why we feel negative emotions is that our values ​​are not present or not respected at that time.

Remember: find out “why”.

3. Then ask yourself: “What is the solution? “

Once you understand why, what can you do to regain control? Sometimes you may need to change your mind about the situation.

You see, your thoughts lead directly to your emotions; So if you feel bad about yourself, you probably have a negative thought that makes you feel that way. When you start thinking about other ways of looking at things, you will immediately feel better. May your attention expand!

Sometimes your feelings decrease only by understanding why you feel a certain way at a certain time because understanding always gives peace.

4. Choose how you want to react

This is the hardest part. How we react and treat our emotions is a habit. Have you not noticed that these people feel stressed about nothing and literally panic about nothing? You almost feel sorry for them. They have become accustomed to associating a situation they do not like with panic. Her emotions kidnapped her.

Learning to listen, recognize, understand and then choose emotions is not something you do at noon twice a week. No, with continued effort and discipline, you can develop this basic skill.

How to Control Emotions




Just an ordinary girl with exceptional Skills