How I Met Your Mother

Nayana Softeyes
1 min readAug 3, 2017


There has always been a never ending debate about which one is better; Friends or How I Met Your Mother. But to me it is very clear about whos winning that battle. This is because the minute details and all those metaphors which taught us many important stuff about life and about love which are somehow absent in Friends. Here’s one of those many metaphorical ideas that the creators have used to convey the message.

There are three primary colors (blue, yellow, and red), and How I Met Your Mother contains a symbol for each: the blue French horn, the yellow umbrella, and the red boots. Alone, each of these symbols doesn’t mean much, but there’s a lot of meaning in their contrast.

The blue French horn represents Ted actively pursuing and doing anything for love. He seeks out Robin throughout the entire series, just as he repeatedly goes out of his way to get the blue French horn. He didn’t stumble upon the blue French horn; he went after it. The horn also represents permanenceTed ultimately gets it back at the end of the series despite having lost it earlier. He can always go back to the horn, as he can always continue reading….

