Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models

Nayanathara Samarakkody
9 min readSep 22, 2023


In the dynamic world of software development, one aspect remains constant: the need for a systematic and organized method of developing software. The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is therefore applied to this situation. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a systematic and structured approach to software development that outlines the processes, phases, and methodologies involved in designing, developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining software applications

Imagine making something without a blueprint or setting out on a journey without a map. It is comparable to starting a software development project without using the SDLC methodology. Development teams are guided by the SDLC, which acts as a compass, to perform tasks effectively, on schedule, and within budget.

There is no one-size-fits-all procedure for developing software. Every project is distinct, with its own set of needs, limitations, and objectives. This is where the choice of an appropriate SDLC model becomes paramount. The proper SDLC model choice can have a major influence on a project’s success, determining whether it will reach new heights or encounter obstacles.

Significance in Software Development:

  • Organization and Efficiency
  • Quality Assurance
  • Risk Management
  • Resource Optimization
  • Client Satisfaction

Popular SDLC Models:

1. Waterfall Model

One of the earliest and most established SDLC models is the waterfall model. It follows a sequential and linear methodology, requiring the completion of each phase before going on to the next. This model is characterized by its rigid structure with a fixed sequence of phases.

Pros of the Waterfall Model:

· Clarity and Simplicity

· Clear Milestones

· Documentation

· Suitable for Steady Requirements

Cons of the Waterfall Model:

· Lack of Flexibility

· Late User Feedback

· High Risk

When to Use the Waterfall Model:

· When requirements are clear and consistent.

· When the project complexity is low to moderate

· For a short time frame.

· If significant documentation is required

· If you begin with a clear understanding of the end product

2. Agile Model

Agile is a cutting-edge and highly adaptable SDLC framework created to handle the difficulties provided by quickly altering project requirements and changing customer needs. It places a strong emphasis on a collaborative and iterative approach to software development.

Iterative and Collaborative Nature of Agile:

Iterative: Agile is based on the idea that software development should be broken up into smaller, more manageable sections known as “iterations” or “sprints.” Each iteration normally lasts two to four weeks and produces an incremental product that may be ready for shipping. With an iterative process, changes can be made often throughout the project.

Collaborative: Agile places a high value on communication between stakeholders, customers, and cross-functional teams. It encourages open communication, transparency, and constant feedback. In order to ensure that the software being produced complies with their changing requirements and expectations, agile teams maintain close communication with clients and end users.

Principles and Values of Agile:

The Agile Manifesto, which explains its core principles and values, serves as the framework for Agile

Agile Principles:

· Customer Satisfaction through Continuous Delivery

· Welcome Changing Requirements

· Deliver Working Software Frequently

· Collaborative Teams

Agile values:

· Agile values people and their interactions more than rigid processes and tools.

· While documentation is important, the primary focus is on delivering working software.

· Agile prioritizes engaging customers in a collaborative partnership over rigid contractual agreements.

· Agile places a higher importance on flexibility than rigid adherence to a predetermined plan.

Popular Agile Methodologies:

Scrum: One of the most popular Agile frameworks is Scrum. In order to promote cooperation and transparency, it breaks the project up into time-bound iterations called “sprints” and uses a variety of roles (Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team), and practices (Daily Standup, Sprint Review, Sprint Planning). At the conclusion of each sprint, Scrum prioritizes the delivery of potentially shippable increments.

Kanban: Another Agile methodology, Kanban focuses on managing and visualizing work-in-progress (WIP). Work items are represented by cards that go through different workflow stages on a Kanban board. Priorities can be changed, and changes can be responded to quickly with the help of kanban.

Extreme Programming (XP): XP emphasizes engineering practices heavily. It contains techniques like pair programming, continuous integration, test-driven development (TDD), and frequent releases. The goal of XP is to increase the quality of software and responsiveness to shifting requirements.

3. Iterative Model

The Iterative model is an SDLC methodology that emphasizes cycles of development that are repeated and involve going through and improving project components each time. This model is repeating in nature, with each iteration advancing the results of the previous one.

Emphasis on Repeated Developmental Cycles:

The software development process is divided into numerous iterations or cycles in the iterative approach. This cycle keeps going until the software reaches the desired quality and functionality.

Benefits of the Iterative Model:

· Flexibility and Adaptability

· Early Deliveries

· Reduced Risk

· Continuous Improvement

Examples of Iterative Models:

Spiral Model: One of the most well-known iterative models is the spiral model. It integrates aspects of risk management along with iterative development. The project is broken down into cycles, or “spirals,” with each cycle containing planning, risk analysis, engineering, testing, and evaluation. The spiral model is particularly useful for projects with high uncertainty or complexity.

Unified Process (UP): Large-scale software development projects frequently use the iterative and incremental Unified Process (UP) framework. It breaks the project into several iterations that are concentrated on particular project elements during each phase, such as inception, elaboration, construction, and transition.

Rational Unified Process (RUP): RUP is a specific implementation of the Unified Process. It frequently works in combination with iterative development methodologies and offers instructions and templates for specific development processes.

When needs are initially poorly understood or when there is a need for ongoing improvement and adaptability during the development process, the iterative model is particularly advantageous. It makes it possible to adjust more effectively to shifting market circumstances and client feedback, which eventually leads to a more successful and responsive product.

4. V-Model (Validation and Verification)

The V-Model is an extension of the traditional waterfall model. Throughout the software development process, it lays a high emphasis on the interaction between verification (ensuring that the product is constructed correctly) and validation (ensuring that the right product is built).

An Extension of the Waterfall Model:

The sequential and phased approach of the Waterfall model is built upon the V-Model. The V-Model adds a testing step for each related development phase, whereas the Waterfall model continues linearly through stages like requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The model’s characteristic “V” shape results from merging the testing and development processes.

The V-Model is particularly helpful when creating important systems where the highest priorities are safety, reliability, and compliance with strict regulations are paramount. Software for aerospace, defense, healthcare, and automotive software are a few examples.

Any software fault or failure in these sectors could have serious consequences. Critical systems are guaranteed to meet strict quality and safety standards because of the rigorous testing and validation approach used in the V-Model. It aids in problem identification early in the development process, lowering the possibility of final product flaws.

The V-Model offers a systematic and structured way to create dependable and high-quality software, making it a favored option for developing critical systems. This is accomplished by aligning verification and validation operations with each phase of development.

5. RAD (Rapid Application Development)

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is an agile and iterative software development methodology with a heavy focus on producing functional software applications quickly. Projects that require a high level of flexibility and speed are especially well suited for RAD.

Focus on Quick Prototyping:

The rapid development of software prototypes or functioning models is RAD’s main area of expertise. RAD encourages developers to produce functioning prototypes as soon as possible rather than devoting a significant amount of time to thorough preparation and documentation. These prototypes serve as physical representations of the essential features and capabilities of the software.

Where to use:

  • Clear Objectives and Scope
  • Short Timeframes
  • Client Collaboration
  • Well-Defined User Interfaces
  • Small to Medium-Sized Projects

Advantages of RAD in Fast-Paced Environments:

  • Speed
  • Client Satisfaction
  • Flexibility
  • Reduced Risk
  • Improved Collaboration

Examples of RAD Methodologies:

  • DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method)
  • Agile Prototyping

6. DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Integration of Operations and Development:

DevOps is a cultural and technical strategy that unites software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It encourages collaboration, communication, and integration between these two formerly independent teams. In contrast, the CI/CD methodology automates the steps involved in integrating code updates, performing software testing, and releasing software to production. DevOps and CI/CD work together to build a smooth and effective pipeline for delivering software.

Benefits of Automation and Collaboration:

  • Efficiency and Speed
  • Quality Assurance
  • Risk Reduction
  • Collaboration
  • Feedback Loop
  • Scalability and Resource Efficiency

Real-World Examples of Organizations Adopting These Practices:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Netflix
  • Etsy
  • Spotify

A Guide to Picking the Best SDLC Model

It is crucial to choose the right SDLC model for a software development project because it can have a big impact on how successful the project is.

Make an informed decision by considering the following elements:

1. Size of the Project:

· Small Projects: Lightweight and flexible methods like Agile or RAD may be appropriate for short projects with limited scope and straightforward requirements. These models enable rapid development and changeability.

· Large Projects: More organized models, like the waterfall or V-Model, which offer thorough planning and documentation, may be advantageous for large-scale projects with numerous requirements.

2. Complexity:

· Low Complexity: Agile or RAD can be useful for projects with straightforward functionality and few relationships between components because these models are well-suited to managing changing requirements.

· High Complexity: Complex projects may necessitate the detailed planning and risk management provided by the V-Model or Spiral Model, particularly those involving important systems or complex integrations.

3. Budget:

· Budget constraints: If money is tight, Agile or Lean methods can provide cost-effective solutions since they emphasize iterative development and continual feedback, which enable incremental budgeting.

· Generous Budget: Projects with sufficient funding may choose the Waterfall or V-Model because these models frequently demand substantial prior planning and documentation, which may necessitate a higher financial investment.

4. Client Requirements:

· Client Collaboration: Agile or Scrum may be selected if the client expects active participation throughout the development process and values frequent feedback.

· Strict Requirements: The Waterfall methodology, which emphasizes documentation and adherence to predefined plans, may be appropriate for projects with strict, well-defined needs.

5. Project Timeline:

· Urgent Delivery: Agile, Lean, or Rapid Application Development (RAD) approaches provide quick development and incremental delivery when time-to-market is a key consideration.

· Less Urgent: Waterfall or the V-Model are good options for projects with relaxed timeframes since they offer a methodical, stepwise approach.

6. Regulatory Requirements:

· Regulatory Compliance: Waterfall or V-Model projects are preferable for projects in regulated areas like healthcare or finance that may require tight documentation and validation procedures.

7. Project Risk Tolerance:

· Low-Risk Tolerance: The V-Model or Spiral Model, which focuses on risk analysis and mitigation, may be favored in risk-averse environments.

· Higher Risk Tolerance: Agile or RAD projects may be better suited for projects that can handle a certain amount of risk and uncertainty because they allow for quick adjustment to changes and new risks.

8. Market Dynamics:

· Dynamic Market: Agile and Lean methods are effective in sectors with quickly shifting market conditions because they enable prompt reactions to changing consumer needs.

· Stable Market: Waterfall or the V-Model can offer an organized strategy to address known requirements for projects in stable, well-defined markets.


· Improved Project Management

· Reduced Risks

· Enhanced Quality

· Predictable Outcomes

· Cost Control

· Client Collaboration

· Compliance and Auditability


  • Resistance to Change
  • Unclear Requirements
  • Lack of Skilled Personnel
  • Overly Rigid Processes
  • Inadequate Communication
  • Budget Constraints

Some real-world examples for each SDLC model

· Agile(Scrum) — Spotify

· Waterfall — NASA Mars Rover project

· Spiral — Boeing 787 Dreamliner

· V-Model (Validation and verification) — Healthcare Information Systems

In the dynamic field of software development, SDLC models offer the fundamental framework and direction required to manage challenging projects. Development teams can streamline procedures, improve software quality, and raise the possibility of project success by selecting the appropriate model, embracing flexibility, and emphasizing cooperation.

