Install Kaldi (ASR) on Ubuntu

nayan jha
2 min readFeb 9, 2022


Kaldi is a very useful yet scarcely documented tool for ASR ( Automatic Speech Recognition).

This blog is an attempt towards sharing the installation instructions for this tool on ubuntu.

Steps to Install kaldi:

Step 1: Goto your root directory

Step 2: Clone kaldi from git using :

git clone kaldi --origin upstream

Step 3: Goto the kaldi folder from root using :

cd kaldi

Step 4: Get the updates in the folder ( optional step )

git pull

Step 5: Goto tools/extras folder within kaldi and check for dependencies if any using:

cd kaldi/tools/extras

Step 6: In case of any dependencies make those installations and repeat Step 5 ( Note: all the depedencies are to be installed in the tools folder)

Continue this till all the dependencies are installed.

Step 7 : Goto the tools folder ( kaldi/tools) and install ATLAS headers, openFst,SCTK and sph2pipe.

Use Command:

make CXX=g++-4.8 (to specify the exact version of compiler)
make -j 4 ( to use 4 cores in parallel) (process completes fast)

Step 8: Goto src folder in kaldi ( kaldi/src) Use command:

cd .. ( to exit the tools folder and return back to the kaldi)
cd src ( to enter teh src folder)

Step 9: Final Installation step :

Use commands:

./configure --shared
make depend -j 8
make -j 8

Note : Instead of -j 8 we can use -j “x” where is the total count of cores available in our machine.

Upon executing this the Installation is complete.

Thanks for Reading!

Stay tuned for further blogs on related topics!

