Google Ads Specialist Job Description for Recruiters

4 min readNov 24, 2022

Several times, you might have asked yourself these questions: How do I sell more? How can I best sell online? How can I attract more traffic to my website? The simple answer to these questions is Google Adwords. Google AdWords is a platform that allows you to create a digital advertising campaign to increase your website’s visibility and position among a large number of users. To attain this is the job of a specialist, and thus a Google Ads specialist job description becomes vital in finding the right hire.

What is a Google Ad Specialist?

The answer to what is a Google Ad specialist is quite simple!

When it comes to the best online marketing techniques, Pay Per Click is the most famous and preferred type of advertising to attract traffic to the website. The Google AdWords specialists understand how the PPC system works, so they are the best professionals to hire to get these ads set up correctly. They will handle everything related to Google AdWords and apply their knowledge to the benefit of your company. Therefore, the Google Ads specialist job description must be carefully drafted to onboard the perfect match in your digital team.

What Does a Google Ads Specialist Do?

If you are deciding to start a PPC campaign and hire a Google Ads expert, you must ensure to mention the following attributes in the Google Ads specialist job description:

  • The specialist will take care of setting up your PPC campaign and placing it on appropriate platforms like Google Search, Google mobile ads, etc.
  • They will conduct extensive keyword research to develop a list of the most suitable keywords to bid for.
  • The Google Ads expert will conduct A/B testing to evaluate which campaign gains a better response from the audience.
  • The specialist will also evaluate the performance of your campaign to gain improvement insights.
  • You can expect full support from the specialist in designing result-driven landing pages with optimized content.

Now that you are aware of what does a Google Ads specialist do let’s look at what are the key components of a job description.

Key Components of a Google Ads Specialist Job Description

As a tech recruiter, if you are drafting a Google Ads specialist job description, you must be careful of including the following details:

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • A Google ads expert understands the client’s end goal, whether it’s to drive traffic, convert leads, improve brand awareness, boost engagement, etc.
  • The target audience must be identified to ensure that the campaign messaging reaches the right people. This includes knowing their age, gender, geographic location, purchasing power, etc.
  • The expert needs to formulate the marketing strategy so that the client’s budget doesn’t exceed.
  • The Google Ads specialist then needs to decide the campaign type and evaluate the performance based on several KPIs and metrics.


When hiring a Google ads expert, a candidate with a master’s degree and relevant work experience is required, whether full-time, part-time, or internship. Professional expertise aids in applying learnings in the real world and thus has a high weightage when creating a Google ads specialist job description.

Salary Structure:

Several factors are considered when deciding on the salary structure of new hires. Some of the factors that are majorly evaluated include:

  • Years of experience
  • Qualification
  • Candidate’s skillset
  • On-site or remote location
  • The competition level in the industry

According to various job portals, the Google ads specialist salary annually varies between USD 45,000 to USD 76,437.

How to Conduct Recruitment of Google Adwords Specialist?

To eliminate all this hassle, you can hire via talent networks like Uplers. Uplers is a talent powerhouse of the top 3.5% Indian talent pre-vetted after rigorous skill screening and assessment tests. All you need to do as a recruiter is draft your Google Ads specialist job description based on your requirements and leave the rest to Uplers.

Uplers will shortlist the best matches and onboard the finalized hire post-interview. This way, you can save up to 40% on hiring costs with a 5X retention rate by getting access to untapped talent in the recruitment market.


The demand for Google ads experts will never decline because the digital world is thriving with technological advancements. As more businesses compete for a dominant online brand presence, the demand for these professionals will continue to rise.

To overcome the talent crunch preparing a compelling Google Ads specialist job description will help you attract and retain qualified talent. Remote hiring is the new normal with enormous benefits. If you wish to hire the best remote talent globally, follow Uplers on LinkedIn.

