Redesigning Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications Mobile App

Nay Cheey Kyaw
3 min readAug 9, 2022


Team Members: Nay Cheey Kyaw, Naw War War Shwe, Oak Soe Khant, Su Myat, Zaw Wai, Kaung Htet San


MPT4U is a telecommunication app based in Myanmar that operates the country’s postal system. MPT is a state owned enterprise in Myanmar under the supervision of Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Project Review

Design Process


Competitor Research

User Interview

After conducting market and competitor research, I started by conducting 5 user interview to get familiar with essential services like checking balance, usage history , package and latest offers, and much more.

In these interview, I focused on asking open-ended questions, keeping the research goals that I set in my research plan in mind:

Discover pain points user encounter when using telecom

Identify competitors and evaluate strengths and weaknesses

Interview Notes


Write down feedbacks from user interviews. Note as “HMWs” questions. Select best HMWs that can solve pain point of MPT4U app.


Based on User Interviews, I have created a user persona, user journey mapping and HMWs.

User Journey Mapping

Define & Ideate

Now we move to Design process 3 and 4 Ideate & Prototype




Redesigned Package UI
Redesigned Package Details UI



In this step, I found 8 people who ran a usability test. I prepared tasks such as:​

  • Tell me what this app does?
  • What will you click from the Home Page if you want to buy a package?
  • Find 77 min Package under call menu
  • Before purchase desired package , check package details.
  • After purchase, check Package History.

Key Patterns

  • All participants can use redesigned app properly.
  • All participants can find desired package under call menu.
  • All participants completed package buying process.

