Refining the AYA iBanking

Nay Cheey Kyaw
4 min readAug 11, 2022


Hello, Welcome to Ayeyarwady Bank

Team Members: Nay Cheey Kyaw, Zeyar Wint, Chan Myae Aung, Shin Lae Yee, Wai Yan Phyo, Khin Thu Thu Thant

In the earlier stages of this project, I was working alongside as UI/UX Lead with 5 other of UI/UX designers. I mentored the entire process with team. We did surveys to gain insights on backgrounds, behaviour, and expectations of mobile banking , and we also did usability testing using the existing app.


  • Business Perspective
  • Design Evolution / Product Audit
  • User Findings
  • Long Term Goal & Sprint Questions
  • Map & Target Area
  • Redesign
  • User Testing & Feedbacks
  • Next Steps

AYA banking Business Perspective

Market Size

The second largest bank in Myanmar with 1.4 million Customers since 2010.

Target Market Segments

People who have bank accounts.

Market Trends

Banking customers have prioritized digital self-service via mobile and web over branch or phone banking.

Business Model

Creating Hyper-Personalized Banking

Competitive Landscape

Competitors In The Market

KBZ banking, DBS banking, CB banking

Login Comparison
Home Page Comparison

Design Evolution / Product Audit

Past Product Versions > Android Version (2018)

Current App Version > IOS Version (2022)

App ratings & reviews > What people are saying?

User Findings — Screeners & Response

Survey Questions

  1. Personal information (3 Questions)
  2. General Questions (3 Questions)
  3. Mobile Banking Questions (3 Questions)
  4. In Depth Questions ( 8 Questions) : Login, Home, Bill Payment, Account Transfer
  5. Suggestion

Survey Findings

Market Share


Depth Question ( Myanmar)
1. Is it easy to access mobile banking account?
2. Is AYA ibanking home page simple and easy to use?
3. Is it easy to make bill payment?
4. Does the AYA app provide billing services and services that you pay for?
5. Is it easy to make foreign payments?
6. Overall experience of using banking apps

Sprint Questions


  1. Simple and ease-of-use UIs in customers’ insight (age-friendly)
  2. Minimalize function buttons for users
  3. HMWs improve navigation menu to search easily
  4. HMWs reduce number of clicking time
  5. Make payment processes simpler

Long Term Goals

By 2023, we will be giving every user of our app perfect satisfaction.


Map & Target Area


User Flow


Wireframe Mockups




