Trufit Tracker Revolution
3 min readAug 12, 2022
Fitness App
The Research
- Have you used fitness tracker (fitbit, sHealth, Mi Band) before?
- If the answer is yes, how’s your experience using fitness tracker?
- If the answer is no, please share the reason with us?
- How did you start using the fitness tracker?
- What will you stop from using fitness tracker?
- How do you feel after you use the fitness tracker?
- If you can improve your fitness tracker,8. If you can improve your fitness tracker, what kind of improvement will you consider to make?
The Insights
- Most users used fitness tracker to track activities and sleep.
- Some of them received them as gift
- Reasons for non-users include: 1. Not a necessity. 2. Don’t understand its benefits 3. Don’t find it useful
- Common painpoints
The Numbers
The Audience
Meet Cheryl
Cheryl is an active and health-conscious executive. She keeps track of her diet and uses her i watch as a productivity aid and to keep track of her daily activities. She enjoys running and practices yoga.
Cheryl’s Journey Map
TruFit consists of 2 components:
- The Physical Tracker
- The Companion App
The Storyboard
The Value Proposition
TruFit, our personalized data-informed companion to guide you to true fitness.
No judgement. Just results.
The Prototype
Usability Testing
The Findings
- Not all users like chatbots
- Users are impressed with the recommendations, but require their rationale
- Users are more concerned with being judged than data security
- Users are willing to pay for this app