Trufit Tracker Revolution

Nay Cheey Kyaw
3 min readAug 12, 2022


Fitness App

The Research

  1. Have you used fitness tracker (fitbit, sHealth, Mi Band) before?
  2. If the answer is yes, how’s your experience using fitness tracker?
  3. If the answer is no, please share the reason with us?
  4. How did you start using the fitness tracker?
  5. What will you stop from using fitness tracker?
  6. How do you feel after you use the fitness tracker?
  7. If you can improve your fitness tracker,8. If you can improve your fitness tracker, what kind of improvement will you consider to make?
Keep fit anytime, anywhere

The Insights

  • Most users used fitness tracker to track activities and sleep.
  • Some of them received them as gift
  • Reasons for non-users include: 1. Not a necessity. 2. Don’t understand its benefits 3. Don’t find it useful
  • Common painpoints

The Numbers

The Audience

Meet Cheryl

Cheryl is an active and health-conscious executive. She keeps track of her diet and uses her i watch as a productivity aid and to keep track of her daily activities. She enjoys running and practices yoga.

Cheryl’s Journey Map


TruFit consists of 2 components:

  1. The Physical Tracker
  2. The Companion App

The Storyboard

The Value Proposition

TruFit, our personalized data-informed companion to guide you to true fitness.

No judgement. Just results.

The Prototype

The Test

Usability Testing


The Findings

  • Not all users like chatbots
  • Users are impressed with the recommendations, but require their rationale
  • Users are more concerned with being judged than data security
  • Users are willing to pay for this app



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