UX Case Study: Wun Zinn Digital Ebook App Redesign

Nay Cheey Kyaw
4 min readAug 12, 2022


Team Member : Nay Cheey Kyaw, Ei Mon, Htet Wai Yan Kyaw, Kaung Pyae Sone, Su

Myanmar Ebook Store

In the earlier stages of this project, I was working alongside as UI/UX Lead with 4 other of UI/UX designers. I mentored the entire process with team. We did surveys to gain insights on backgrounds, behaviour, and expectations of ebook readers, and we also did usability testing using the existing app.


Wun Zinn is a Ebook reading app where there are 700+ authors and 7,000 burmese books available for users around the world to buy and rent.

Project Goal

To find better ways to improve user experiences in discovering, searching, and reading books from Wun Zinn Digial application on Android. Improving these experiences may improve book sales and brand loyalty.


Even though Wun Zinn tries to keep updating their app with new books and features. Users usually stop using the app after few days. Not having a smooth user experience and having fixed reading screens has been their biggest user pain points followed by overwhelming Home Page with many book categories, unpleasant book reading experience and lastly, user had a hard time asking for troubleshooting via Messenger.


Design the process of Ebook reading as interactive as reading physical books, motivate users to spend time reading more books, help users discover interesting new books, and give better user experience in using Wun Zinn.

Design Process

01. User Research

User Interview Findings

We interviewed 4 people who are familiar reading ebook online and people who tried several ebooks app.

20+ Questions, 35+ Filled Surveys, 4+ interviews

Highlighted Interview Questions

  1. What do you look for in finding books you would like to read?
  2. What kind of book genre do you enjoy reading the most?
  3. What is your note taking habit?
  4. How do you organize your books?
  5. What do you suggest Wun Zinn to improve their payment process?
  6. What motivate you to keep using your current Ebook app?


User Persona

We created 3 personas that represent our users to understand users better in creating solutions.

02: Brain Storming

How Might We?

After we finished gathering interview insights, we wrote down our own HMWS to go deep into each problem and the below 3 are our most voted HMWs.


Long Term Goals

In 2 years time, we want Wun Zinn to give the best reading experience app for everyone.

Sprint Questions

  1. How can we ensure Wun Zinn can give smooth reading experience?
  2. Can we solve customer pain point of experiencing technical errors in 1 or 2 steps?
  3. How can we group book categories under their specific book genre?

03. High-Fidelity Wireframes

04. Style Guide

05. High-Fidelity Prototype

We transformed our wireframes into prototypes using Apple’s Human Interface guidelines and produced various screens for our project.


06. User Testing

We conducted user testing with our prototype design with users we interviewed before to have A/B testing results.

Some of our User Feedbacks

Future Improvement

Based on the feedbacks and testing we got, we can improve our

  1. Rental Book System
  2. Reading Experience: What can we do to make it unique unlike other ebook apps?
  3. Reading Experience: Underline/Strike feature
  4. Notification alarms to keep users updated with latest books and news
  5. Create book categories.

