3 min readOct 5, 2018



EverID has built a decentralized digital identification system for storing and confirming user identification, documentation and biometric data. This platform is available to everyone from birth to death. Does not require a mobile device connection, is encrypted to protect user privacy and can work with other systems.

Institutions, companies and government organizations can reliably, quickly and quickly verify the authenticity of users on a large scale. Its value can then be safely transferred to the right recipient with lower transaction costs, less loss due to leakage and innovation in services and transfer costs.

EverID is a product that interferes with existing prototypes, highly professional team and collaborates with major banking institutions Bretton Woods4 and UN agencies. This is the biggest unique opportunity to expand financial integration between emerging markets and established financial institutions.

How it works?

EverID has created a universal digital identification network that will bring all of humanity to the global market, thereby providing access to a range of powerful services to improve livelihoods and promote economic development.

The Identity Network will be an autonomous, unbearable, decentralized network owned by anyone, it will function forever and will incorporate SDG 6 in its software.

This enables people to manage and protect their own identification data through a decentralized identification platform and cost transfer solutions based on blockchain technology.

Some types of biometric information for each person are recorded and stored in the identification network. Old identity documents, including national identity cards, SIM cards, passports, voter ID cards, etc., were arrested, as well as the ratification of a third party by signing the claim in chronological order.

If someone does not have the technology, the agent system will allow them to register through the DAP EverID Agent. PAD devices will be used to validate, use, and update EverID. PAD will use a software development kit (SDK) to add authentication to devices for banking services, government services, healthcare, etc. Bridge Services allows users to securely retrieve and use their data on other devices that they do not have.

Empowerment through identification

EverID is a platform for universal identification devices and free exchange of characters, allowing everyone to confirm their identity, save value and transfer money. It uses biometric identifiers and consistent public books that allow unlimited exchange of values ​​between governments, banks, NGOs, insurance companies, hospitals, and other organizations. This reduces the likelihood of fraud and leakage. This makes authentication more profitable on a larger scale than before.

Users derive social and economic benefits from their digital identity. There are no tools to access this benefit. Inclusive and secure identification means unlimited transfer of value and access to global economic services, such as banking, credit and insurance.


Smooth transfer of values: verifies identity with 100% accuracy, EverID reduces costs for leakage, fraud, friction, verification and access to data.
Invalid authentication: Registering peers using biometric data allows any user to register on the platform without the need for a device.
Overall financial inclusion: creating global access to existing financial services will open up a new market economy in the amount of $ 20 trillion.
Economic growth: impartial verification of identity will allow more than 4 billion people and create economic opportunities of 40 trillion dollars.
Individual empowerment: EverID allows users to fully control their data and provide access to the official economic system.
Institutional Efficiency: Reducing the cost of data transmission and storage will allow institutional growth in developing countries.

EverID Principles

All can be recorded without a smart device.
Individuals will have and control their identity.
Personality information is selectively divided and can withstand attacks.


The total number of tokens — 800 million

Tokens for sale — 303 685 341

ICO price — $ 0.09

Accepted currencies — BTC, ETH, USD

Hardcap — $ 20,000,000

Pre-sale — August 13, 2018

Minimum / maximum personalized hat — $ 10,000 / $ 2,000,000

You do not participate — China, Korea, Pakistan

Road map

For more information, follow the link below:
Website: https://everid.net/
Technical documentation: https://everid.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ever_id_whitepaper-1.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/EverID
Twitter: https://twitter.com/everid
ANN Subject: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4756978

Posted by: Mba Tyo
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=926777

Eth Me: 0x5Da79C72A3325b214FFee140C66b444d571F17a1

