Miracle Tele

2 min readApr 6, 2019


Apart from high monopolization (in fact, very closely related to it), telecommunication providers offer their customers what are called cheaper cellular packages but this plan comes with a minimum futures contract which usually starts from 12 months. This may not bother many customers, but this contract carries a confusing and very detailed term for them. I think telecommunications operators know the weaknesses of customers and abuse them by using this provision. Result: the customer signs a contract at a low price but faces fines or additional fees.

The telecommunications market has shown massive growth over the past few decades. This high growth rate and technological advances have reduced the investment costs of telecommunications providers quickly. However, providers do not reduce service costs or reduce them at low speeds or even increase them. Why can telecommunications providers maintain this situation? The key term is high monopolization created by strict government regulations. High monopoly significantly increases business risk for new players. Result: end users live at high prices in the telecommunications market.


Miracle Tele offers customers pay-according-call-go and Internet services at very competitive prices. To offer these prices, Miracle Tele cooperates with local telecommunications operators and buys excess call capacity and their network traffic at the same time. In this way, Miracle Tele reduces investment costs and business risks to a minimum. Result: end users enjoy low prices and seamless use of services without bureaucracy through a single SIM card.
Miracle Tele does not forget its investors too :) Miracle Tele has Ethereum-based TELE tokens. If you buy these tokens and stack them, you will be rewarded every two weeks. This prize comes from the benefits of Miracle Tele services. Over the past few months, I have received dividends of around 10–12 percent per month. I will go into details in the following weeks but before posting, I should note that if you are considering investing in Miracle Tele, the price of TELE tokens will increase from 0.15 € to 0.20 € on April 15, 2019.

International roaming prices are another important issue in the telecommunications sector. Every customer who goes abroad faces this problem. Some of them buy new local SIM cards to avoid high prices but the numbers change. Some of them tried to find a profitable plan at their local telecommunications provider before going abroad. Some of them don’t use their phones abroad :) In this strong globalization trend, there is still no practical and smooth solution. I think the telecommunications sector must embarrass this problem.

If you want to invest or join Miracle Tele, you can open the site below to get more information.
Official Website: https://miracletele.com/?friend=627f5eb77352b6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MiracleTele
by: Mbah Tyo
bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=926777
eth: 0x5Da79C72A3325b214FFee140C66b444d571F17a1

