4 min readFeb 22, 2019


The transaction environment has changed over the years. People no longer follow the barter system (I mean simple exchanges, even if it’s money, but fiat for any product). Digital transformation has caused unprecedented changes in the market. Communities don’t even pay attention to how everywhere and by itself carry out financial integration on a global scale.

The Orbis platform is designed to allow us to manage our assets in automatic mode. To implement this basic task, the system provides many functions. In this startup framework, the blockchain is uniquely considered. This new blockchain chain provides funds without commissions. Now you can really do the necessary functions without costs: storage, storage, payment and investment in various cryptocurrency. This operation can be done through a special mobile application or through the desktop version.

Orbis is a platform through which it allows to make all types of payments, pay for various services, and make investments.
The main difference from this project is that Orbis will have real offices around the world, where in addition to ATMs and terminals there will be augmented reality tables for self-service clients. With the help of these branches, you can get all the ranks of financial services that you can now receive at the bank, these are orders for payments, transfers, deposits, and investment services.

Because blockchain technology will be used, the project aims to collect the largest amount of financial services provided on every corner of our planet.
The most interesting thing is that, to avoid human factors, there is no department that will have employees, all interactions with the system will occur through research intelligence. Cool, right? Future now.
This minimizes the possibility of bad service, because surely everyone at least once in his life meets incompetent bank employees who have a bad mood. This will not happen. You are talking to a computer.
Orbis has practically no competitors in its market niche, because creating a platform that will combine fiat and crypto currencies is not an easy task, and I am personally happy that someone decided to take this idea.

One of the most important tasks for ORBIS in the near future is to see the development of a branch network for the full implementation of its activities. Under the branches here it is understood that it is not the usual representative office of the company with offices and managers at the table, but the original self-service terminal is equipped with VR technology (artificial intelligence). Such terminals will be able to help users to carry out the operations themselves. Such withdrawals from the usual branch network are undoubted added value from the project, because they do not have to pay office employees, which of course will positively affect the company’s financial performance.
Orbis will release its own plastic card for its customers. This card will help us to dispose of our funds at our discretion in the usual mode of buying goods, paying for all types of work and services.

We are often used to seeing that in the project there is only one token and, often, the price is very unstable. The creation of one token by Orbis is not enough.
The first is called ORBIS Token (and has an ORBS designation), and the second ORBISInvest (with ORBSi designation).
This ORBS token has all the characteristics of a token utility, because it will be used exclusively on the platform for internal calculations and other transactions. As for ORBISInvest, it is the purest water security secret and made specifically for market trading.

What does the platform offer to customers?

Clients will be able to send funds without problems around the world quickly and with minimum commissions, services will include the ability to convert currencies, and, most importantly, the opportunity to receive loans when you apply for a loan. You can also do fiat operations on the platform without problems.
The problems that exist in the world of modern finance Orbis will solve this way:
High transfer costs will be eliminated by removing intermediaries, such as those in the traditional financial system.
Transactions will occur instantly, and not in a few days, like now.
You are your own master in service.
All questions about your work can complete robots with artificial intelligence in the department.

In addition, it should be noted that both tokens are created on the Ethereum platform using the standard ERC20 protocol.
Token symbol is ORBS;
The token protocol is ERC20;
Platform Ethereum;
Currency received for investment: ETH, BTC, Fiat;
The minimum investment amount is 0.50 euros;
Soft cap project of -500,000 EUR;
Hard cover -25,000,000 EUR;
Total emissions of tokens — ORBS;
At ICO, 62% of all tokens issued are allocated;
ICO will end on October 29;
Project location: Estonia.

From the latest, so to speak of “hot” news about this project, I want to say that Orbis, not yet completed the token, has signed a partnership with a strong “Credit” project. Now these two companies are working together to make high-speed blockchain version 5.0. Only according to preliminary data, this joint blockchain company will be able to provide speeds of 1,000,000 transactions per second for both companies.

for further information please visit the official website below:

Website: https://orbistransfer.com/
White Paper: https://orbistransfer.com/downloads/Orbis-White-Paper-2.pdf
Ann Theme: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3844192.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrbisToken
Facebook: https://facebook.com/orbistoken
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=926777

Eth: 0x5Da79C72A3325b214FFee140C66b444d571F17a1

