Mistakes I did in my Writing Career.

These mistakes crushed my writing career and now I am paying the price for it.

6 min readDec 30, 2021
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

If I ever meet the 18-year-old me, the one thing she will definitely tell me is “You’ve disappointed me.”

Wondering why?

I was not among those kids who always knew what they want to be when they grow up. It was only at the age of 18, I realized I want to be a writer. The day I realized it, I did not just daydream about it.

I immediately took action. I started researching how to be a writer, (duh! simply start writing), what does it take to be a writer?

Now, I am talking about roughly between the years 2012 and 2013. That is when I got to know about blogging.

But, I wasn’t into it as a content writer. Blogging at that time for me was more about just writing whatever I wanted to write. I started by writing poems and on random topics that would interest me.

I was quite excited about the new discovery and the journey I had embarked on. I was consistent with writing on the blog and also with sharing it on Facebook and Twitter.

The writer in me then, was way better than the writer in me today. No! not in the terms of writing (my old write-ups truly sucks.) But in the aspects of being consistent and marketing/networking.

The two aspects “being consistent” and “sharing my content or in better words networking” actually were the reasons how my articles got noticed and published in an e-magazine.

Imagine an editor actually approaching me, complimenting my blogpost and also giving me a chance to get published in his e-magazine. I was just 19 years old then.

During this time, I even worked as a content writer for a women-oriented blog site, and I used to get paid for it.

Slowly, I even participated in contests where you could submit your short stories and the selected ones would get compiled into an anthology book. That is how 3 of my short stories are published in 3 different anthology books. Though the books didn’t do well in the market.

However, slowly I got busy with studies, got distracted with other things in life. I used to blog but not consistently.

As a writer, I felt lost. Time and again I did manage to get some of my articles published on other blogs as guest posts, or in magazines. But somehow I wasn’t able to make it as my career.

I couldn’t manage to find gigs that would pay me for writing. Somehow I was doing something wrong and all that I was doing wrong was not giving my best.

I jumped from one blog to another finally having a website of my own, jumped from learning graphic designing, learning social media marketing, learning about digital marketing, meanwhile, I also met the hidden artist within me (who can paint and do digital illustrations) but still, nothing could help me get financial freedom.

After doing all of this, I finally realized whichever field you choose, whatever niche you choose, writing is the main aspect of every field, every business.

I realized writing, something that I can do is the main aspect of every business today.

Even though I am more into writing poems and short stories, I still feel if I work a bit hard I can make it through.

These are the three major mistakes I did in my writing career, not staying consistent, not networking enough and, not being confident enough in my skill.

I had it in me, I had the experience, I just had to work a little harder by analyzing the market trend, strategizing, brushing up my skills, being consistent with my blog, networking and most importantly, believing that I can do this.

I needed to network and market myself. If only I had been consistent and done it right all those years, I wouldn’t be struggling today.

Even though I will have to start from scratch and now that the competition is very high in the writing field, I may take some more time to get where I belong.

However, as the saying goes, better late than never. I have finally realized my mistakes and I am willing to correct them now.

Content writing is one of the most demanding, high paying jobs today. If you are someone who wants to be a writer or get into a writing career, make sure you don’t repeat these mistakes.

Here are some things all beginners need to do:

Read: Read and read a lot. Read books whichever you are comfortable with. Read blogs, read articles, read captions, read advertisement statements. Just read. This is the most important thing irrespective of whichever career you choose. Everyone must-read.

Write: Whichever niche you are comfortable with, start writing and start today. I have been procrastinating to write this very article for the past 3 days now, (before publishing this, it's been weeks this was still just a draft). But today I just did it. There is no right time, the right time is now. Just start doing it. You don’t have to be perfect, you will become a better writer with practice and experience.

Be consistent: The most important thing is to stay consistent. This is not only when it comes to writing, but in anything, you do in life. Being consistent is the key. If you wish to get into a healthy fit body, you need to be consistent with your daily workout and diet routine. If you wish to be a singer, you need to practice every single day. Consistency will help you in a long way.

Network: Only writing and posting on your blogs/ contributing to other sites and blogs won’t help. You will have to network with people around you, in your niche or field. If you write about fitness, interact with fitness coaches or other writers who write about fitness. If you write about beauty interact and network with beauty influencers.

Show up on social media every day and rather than simply just applying for random jobs or just waiting for an opportunity, create opportunities for yourself. Show people what you are good at, show people how you write, what you write and grab their attention by networking and interacting.

Keep upgrading your skill: Read and research what others in your writing niche are doing, what are your competitors writing about, what is the current trend going on?

Writing itself has become a vast area now. One can be a poet and can market themselves as an expert in writing poetry and even provide online coaching, one can be a short story writer and become an expert as a short story writer and provide online coaching, one can become an editor, one can become a copywriter or a content manager to someone who is more expert in S.E.O content.

A content writer could be a blog content writer, expert in email marketing, content manager, social media content writer, video scriptwriter, podcast scripting, copywriter. There are many areas and niches you can expertise in.

Constantly upgrading your skills will help you stay a step ahead of the competitors in the market.

If you are worried about how will you survive in the most demanding and competitive industry like writing, then let me tell you, it is still not too late. Every business today, every start-up today, needs a writer.

So if you are willing to work hard, if writing is your calling, if you want to become a better writer. Then start today, start now.

Thanks for Reading.




a writer by heart, a painter by chance and a graphic illustrator by choice. Day dreamer who wish to be lost in her own dream world.